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Friday 1 June 2018

Aira – Transparent design – visible technology

Their arche­typal, reduced shape enables them to blend seam­lessly and dis­cretely into any envi­ron­ment yet the inno­v­a­tive manner in which they gen­er­ate their light is clearly appar­ent. The new pole-top lumi­naires by Selux known as the Aira are avail­able in a spher­i­cal or cylin­dri­cal shape and utilise the out­stand­ing light engi­neer­ing prop­er­ties of Tritec mod­ules.

The trans­par­ent dif­fusers, that appear to hover as a sphere or a cylin­der around the pole-top of the Aira, are fas­tened par­tic­u­larly ele­gantly in the trans­par­ent mate­r­ial using a vir­tu­ally invis­i­ble release method. There’s no miss­ing their inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­ogy how­ever, with the strik­ing aes­thet­ics of Tritec mod­ules brought to the fore by trans­par­ent PMMA dif­fusers. This min­i­mal­ist design con­cept enables the new pole-top lumi­naires by Selux to be inte­grated in widely dif­fer­ing envi­ron­ments, from pedes­tri­anised precincts to res­i­den­tial streets and parks as well as his­tor­i­cal old towns or modern hous­ing estates.

Tritec mod­ules — light­ing tech­nol­ogy at heart yet with design fea­tures

The highly effi­cient LED light­ing tech­nol­ogy of Tritec mod­ules turns the Aira into a ver­sa­tile system of lumi­naires for public spaces that can be flex­i­bly coor­di­nated to the rel­e­vant appli­ca­tion. Tritec mod­ules com­bine prism ring lenses with hexag­o­nally struc­tured reflec­tor cones for max­i­mum anti-glare, offer­ing a pre­mium qual­ity, inde­pen­dent look while gen­er­at­ing a bal­anced, softly flow­ing light cone. Plan­ners can choose from 360° beam­ing or an asym­met­ri­cal light dis­tri­b­u­tion making the Aira just as suit­able for the uni­form light­ing of open spaces as for sup­ple­men­tary light­ing of foot­paths or streets.

Flex­i­ble plan­ning and appli­ca­tions

A fur­ther advan­tage of Tritec mod­ules is their scal­a­bil­ity. Airas, for instance, are equipped with one or two Tritec mod­ules depend­ing on lumi­nous flux and illu­mi­nance require­ments, cov­er­ing a range from 1200 lm to 5400 lm. Aira Tritec mod­ules by Selux are avail­able in the light colours 3000 K and 4000 K depend­ing on the nature of the envi­ron­ment and the desired light mood. With the Elo bol­lards and the Lif light columns, the Selux prod­uct range com­prises two fur­ther prod­uct sys­tems with Tritec mod­ules that can be com­bined superbly with Aira pole-top lumi­naires. This enables con­sis­tent tech­ni­cal or design solu­tions to be devel­oped for com­plex light­ing projects in urban envi­ron­ments.

Qual­ity prod­uct with an indi­vid­ual touch

Need­less to say the Airas meet Selux’ high qual­ity stan­dards with regard to mate­ri­als and design so that users can expect the usual reli­able eco­nom­i­cal oper­a­tion of lumi­naires in the long term as well as acting as design ele­ments in public spaces. The lumi­naires are option­ally avail­able for pole-tops with a diam­e­ter of 60 or 76 mm while switch­able and dim­ma­ble oper­at­ing devices for Tritec mod­ules can be pro­vided on request via the DALI inter­face. This enables light to be con­trolled indi­vid­u­ally and pre­cisely on a needs basis for added sav­ings on energy.

In addi­tion the Aira offers fur­ther options for cus­tomiza­tion, for exam­ple by incor­po­rat­ing a par­tic­u­lar munic­i­pal look or cor­po­rate design con­cepts. Pole and pole attach­ment are avail­able in Selux Graphite colours or spe­cial finish, while the trans­par­ent lumi­naire dif­fusers can also be designed to include indi­vid­ual graph­ics by means of prints. The Aira by Selux there­fore assists plan­ners, con­struc­tors and munic­i­pal deci­sion makers in the future-reli­able and dis­tinc­tive design of public spaces with light­ing.

June 2018

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