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Thursday 11 June 2020

Dwayne Waggoner is the new Head of Lighting Culture and Lighting Application

We are delighted to announce that Dwayne Wag­go­ner has joined the Selux team as new Head of Lighting Cul­ture and Lighting Appli­ca­tion. Dwayne brings with him more than 10 years of exper­tise in the field of lighting plan­ning and has worked for lighting design orga­ni­za­tions for many years now, inclu­ding the master’s course in Lighting Design at Wismar Uni­ver­sity. Dwayne and his team will be sup­por­ting our clients in ove­rall pro­duct con­cep­tion, visua­li­za­tion and trai­ning.

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