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Thursday 2 April 2020

Tal: Economical and future-reliable

A future-relia­ble invest­ment is the new Tal lumi­naire – since it com­bi­nes eco­no­mic effi­ciency, light qua­lity and design qua­lity in one win­ning ove­rall pac­kage. With various light distri­bu­tions for roads, pede­strian cros­sings, and squa­res, Tal also pro­vi­des stan­dards-based, effi­cient illu­mi­na­tion of wide stret­ches of road or of com­ple­xly-shaped open spaces – thanks to pre­cise light gui­dance by free-form lens optics and four per­for­mance pac­ka­ges from appro­xi­ma­tely 4,500 lm to 18,000 lm. These pre­cise optics ensure that Tal does not gene­rate any distrac­ting stray light and thus pro­tects the night sky from light pol­lu­tion.

Find out more about Tal
See the Loo­k­book
See the Pro­duct Site

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