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Monday 19 November 2018

Time to get comfy!

Con­fort, cosi­ness, hygge – there are lots of ways to express com­fort in lots of lan­gua­ges. In our homes, this fee­ling of secu­rity and well-being is cele­bra­ted by modern inte­rior lighting. But what about on the streets and squa­res of our towns and cities? Par­ti­cu­larly now, when winter is full in swing with its wet and grey days, strong gales and long nights, we may long for atmo­sphe­ric exte­rior lighting – for light that crea­tes well-being – like in the living rooms of our homes.

Effec­tive public lighting pro­vi­des secu­rity and gui­dance. Our upgra­ded Selux Tritec module achie­ves ano­ther aspect too – per­fect light for urban spaces. As well as the two exi­sting light colours, 3000 K and 4000 K, the Tritec repla­ce­ment light module for Aira pole-top lumi­nai­res, the family of Elo bol­lard lumi­nai­res and all exi­sting Selux lumi­nai­res, is also avai­la­ble in the warm white light colour of 2700 K. This warm-colou­red LED light nostal­gi­cally recalls fila­ment light bulbs and has a plea­sant, cal­ming effect.

Fancy an eve­ning stroll or a cosy walk at a late eve­ning hour? You can find out more here about per­fect atmo­sphe­ric light here:
Loo­k­book Tritec

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