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Upgrade of public lighting in Blanzac-lès-Matha
Blanzac-lès-Matha, France

  • progetto Relamping, Blanzac-lès-Matha
  • cliente Municipality of Blanzac-lès-Matha, SDEER 17
  • installazione elettrica Eiffage
  • fotografo Jean-Baptiste Guerlesquin, Shoootin
  • project.representation Selux France

The town of Blan­zac-lès-Matha in the French depart­ment of Cha­rente-Mari­time has moder­ni­sed its public lighting by repla­cing the old light sour­ces with LED modu­les while still retai­ning its tried-and-tested exte­rior Histo lumi­nai­res by Selux.

To save energy and improve lighting qua­lity, the town’s exi­sting Histo lumi­nai­res by Selux were repla­ced using LED upgrade kits. Not only are the new illu­mi­nants much more effi­cient, they also gua­ran­tee outstan­ding visual com­fort.

Power con­sump­tion – Com­pa­ri­son before and after upgrade

Situa­tion before the upgrade:
137 Histo 550 lumi­nai­res are instal­led in the town equip­ped with 100 W high-pres­sure sodium lamps. A 100 W high-pres­sure sodium lamp con­su­mes approx. 114 W along with its bal­last. The lights are in ope­ra­tion the whole night and accor­din­gly illu­mi­nate the muni­ci­pa­lity for 4300 hours per year. This cor­re­sponds to an annual power con­sump­tion of 67,157 kWh.

Situa­tion after the upgrade:
56 Histo 550 lumi­nai­res have been equip­ped with a 72 W LED upgrade kit and 81 Histo 550 lumi­nai­res with a 46 W-LED upgrade kit. The lumi­nai­res are lit the entire night, thus illu­mi­na­ting the town for 4300 hours per year. This results in an annual elec­tri­city con­sump­tion of 33,359 kWh, which

con­sti­tu­tes a saving of 50 per­cent ove­rall.

Costs can also be saved on main­te­nance since the LED module has a much longer ser­vice life than a high-pres­sure sodium lamp, which has an ave­rage life of 25,000 hours.

Com­pa­ri­son of light qua­lity before and after the upgrade

Situa­tion before the upgrade:
Colour repro­duc­tion index (R_a = 25) of the orange-colou­red light of the high-pres­sure sodium lamps is poor, which means colours appear dif­fe­rent than in day­light. The light dazz­les because the lumi­naire scat­ters it in all direc­tions.

Situa­tion after the upgrade:
Much better colour repro­duc­tion (R_a > 70) is attai­ned with the white LED light (3000 K). Lumi­nous inten­sity is con­fi­gu­red accor­ding to the appli­ca­ble regu­la­tions and stan­dards. Direct glare is also very low and light is direc­ted with high pre­ci­sion. As a result the upgra­ded lumi­nai­res reduce light pol­lu­tion while at the same time pro­tec­ting flora and fauna.

  • Adattamento contemporaneo di un apparecchio classico per le odierne esigenze di sostenibilità ambientale. Il design con sbraccio arcuato di Histo ne favorisce l'uso in zone a traffico limitato, strade di accesso, zone pedonali e parchi pubblici. Quando Histo è acceso si illumina anche il diffusore, producendo una gradevole luce esente da abbagliamento. È disponibile una vasta selezione di pali e sbracci per diverse altezze e livelli variabili di flessibilità progettuale.

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