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In a beau­ti­ful place – The per­fec­tion of nature and the beauty of our world

Light for gen­er­a­tions

The design vocab­u­lary of nature is extremely com­plex but not strik­ing. Noth­ing in nature is out of place, no stone in the wrong posi­tion: nature itself, how­ever it appears, is nec­es­sar­ily beau­ti­ful. Any­thing that doesn’t work or is super­flu­ous is devoured by the weather or evo­lu­tion. What remains is clar­ity, endurance and renewal.

What we do, under­take or pro­duce must be per­ma­nent and still make sense decades from now. This is how the world will remain a beau­ti­ful place for us. We have the tech­ni­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties, resources and knowl­edge for this.

Let’s get started, let’s get on with it!

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