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More Than Light

How may dif­fe­rent demands made upon exter­nal lighting such as sustai­na­bi­lity, safety and beauty be com­bi­ned with one ano­ther? As a sup­plier of exter­nal lighting we have reflec­ted upon our acti­vi­ties in the con­text of this que­stion. We have inten­si­vely con­cer­ned our­sel­ves with the rela­tion­ship bet­ween man and nature. The results are fasci­na­ting per­cep­tions of the cul­ture of form and design, of man-made loca­tions in har­mony with nature and the rela­ted que­stion of what con­sti­tu­tes sustai­na­ble light. We have iden­ti­fied the fol­lo­wing influen­cing fac­tors that are par­ti­cu­larly impor­tant to us. Let us toge­ther per­ceive and pre­serve the beauty and uni­que­ness of our planet.

Landscape design

Public spaces need to embrace nature once more to become more human-centric. How can light help?

Landscape design
Light quality

For decades, lighting has focused on the functional aspects. But what is lighting really all about? About people? Of course! But it’s not just about people.

Light quality
The animal kingdom

Light as an environmental factor has an impact on all living creatures. That much we know.

The animal kingdom

What is beauty? Can there ever be a consensus on what is considered beautiful?


Objects that touch us must be tangible.


Producing light from light sounds strange at first. Bur solar luminaires, even in moderate climates, make perfect sense.

Smart City

How can technology help make our cities better places to live in?

Smart City

The dream of emission-free transport


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