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The dream of emission-free transport

Emis­sion-free and renewa­ble energy cli­mate-neu­tral trans­port is a key factor in making our cities better places to live. But low­th­re­shold entry to e-mobi­lity requi­res a clo­sely meshed, easily acces­si­ble net­work of char­ging sta­tions. But in the inner cities in par­ti­cu­lar, not eve­ryone has a fixed par­king spot with vehi­cle char­ging faci­li­ties. What could be more obvious than to use an exi­sting natio­nal supply net­work – street lighting – to build a public char­ging infra­struc­ture?

Using exi­sting net­works intel­li­gen­tly
The inte­gra­tion of e-mobile char­ging sta­tions in exte­rior lumi­nai­res is a simple and smart con­cept with a whole raft of bene­fits com­pa­red with addi­tio­nally instal­ling sepa­rate char­ging columns: it saves valua­ble space in the city and redu­ces the visual com­ple­xity of the envi­ron­ment. Imple­men­ting new cost-inten­sive under­ground infra­struc­tu­res is now unne­ces­sary.

The char­ging sta­tion: fle­xi­ble, aesthe­tic and space-saving
The Selux char­ging sta­tion repre­sents the inter­face bet­ween exte­rior lighting and e-mobi­lity. It is instal­led direc­tly on the lumi­naire pole. Its slim, redu­ced design dove­tails natu­rally with most varied of envi­ron­ments and sup­ports a har­mo­nious, calm image of the urban envi­ron­ment. Cities are able to respond fle­xi­bly to chan­ging needs since the char­ging sta­tions are easily disman­tled and re instal­led elsewhere – which is inte­re­sting not just on new build pro­jects, but also with respect to the moder­ni­sa­tion or reno­va­tion of street lighting. Pilot pro­jects are already under­way in cities such as Bot­trop, Aachen, Hano­ver and Colo­gne, in Brus­sels, Herten and on the island of Usedom.

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