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Light for Generations

Semper lux — always light. When Hermann Bansbach founded his company in Berlin after the war, the city was devastated and deprived of electricity and light. Mr. Bansbach made the life of Berliners easier with his simple, affordable battery charger, thereby illuminating a dark period in history. He firmly believed in the social and cultural significance of light, something which went far beyond the merely commercial. It is an attitude we have retained to the present day; living this fascination with light and using sophisticated concepts to provide genuine improvements in the quality of life of others. Consequently, we changed our name from Semperlux to Selux – signalling the transformation from a Berlin artisan workshop into a company with 400 dedicated staff at sites in Europe, North America and throughout the world.

We think in decades rather than years.
We at Selux have been design­ing, pro­duc­ing, and sup­ply­ing prod­ucts that define urban spaces for decades now and we will con­tinue to do so in the decades to come. For us, prod­uct life­cy­cles of more than 50 years are normal. So accord­ingly, our aim is to design prod­ucts that are sus­tain­able too. We are con­scious of our eco­nomic, eco­log­i­cal and social respon­si­bil­ity towards future gen­er­a­tions and act accord­ingly. Our belief in sus­tain­able devel­op­ment is embed­ded in our entire supply chain.

Improv­ing the qual­ity of life with light: That is our pas­sion.

Our heart. Direct light and design too.
Light has a high emo­tional factor. We look at spaces and their tasks indi­vid­u­ally. We use our prod­ucts to enhance the design of a space and empha­sise its char­ac­ter. Optics opti­mised for either visual com­fort or effi­ciency set the pri­or­i­ties with each appli­ca­tion. A pitch-black night sky with glis­ten­ing stars is much more than just the per­fect back­ground for design­ing urban space using light. A dark sky is impor­tant for nat­ural bio-rhythms too and, con­se­quently, for the well-being of humans, ani­mals and plants. For this reason, we develop optics with pre­cise light that enables more tar­geted accen­tu­a­tion of light and warmer light using lower colour tem­per­a­tures and tinted reflec­tors, which pro­tects wildlife. Light that adapts itself to the pre­vail­ing con­di­tions: that is there when needed and takes a back seat when required.

‪Indi­vid­u­al­ity and aes­thet­ics in har­mony with nature are what drive us.

We design living spaces – with sophis­ti­cated light­ing solu­tions in a unique design.
Our prod­ucts are mod­u­lar and incor­po­rate smart com­po­nents, thereby enabling future-com­pat­i­ble, flex­i­ble light­ing solu­tions. The time­less indus­trial design of our lumi­naires reflects our atti­tude. We believe that lumi­naires should fit into our world as inte­gral com­po­nents – and that their design should shine too. We use mate­ri­als such as wood and spe­cial sur­faces, break­ing new ground and cre­at­ing a time­less, homely ambi­ence. Nat­ural mate­ri­als create secu­rity and well-being, enhanc­ing iden­tity and strength. We design prod­ucts which uti­lize the latest tech­no­log­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ties and which at the same time allow for future devel­op­ments. Decid­ing on a Selux prod­uct is a deci­sion of a life­time. This is our per­spec­tive when we design for sus­tain­abil­ity: from the prod­uct con­cept, to after-sales ser­vice, down to the assur­ance that lights and parts can be replen­ished in the long term.

Our tools: A com­pre­hen­sive knowl­edge of tech­nol­ogy and mate­ri­als as well as the enthu­si­asm to think new.

Global solu­tions for inter­na­tion­ally oper­a­tional part­ners.
Our glob­ally net­worked pro­duc­tion system with loca­tions in Ger­many, France and the USA cre­ates a frame­work within which our local employ­ees can apply their skills. These local skills ensure the high­est stan­dards of qual­ity and crafts­man­ship. The best solu­tions are devel­oped together, by lis­ten­ing and under­stand­ing – open, cre­ative and with a high level of com­pe­tence. Selux – a team of 400 employ­ees world­wide. You have the idea. We imple­ment it.

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