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Thursday 25 March 2021

The Line – with respect for the beauty of nature

Selux’s new range of lumi­nai­res rede­fi­nes sustai­na­bi­lity

Berlin, March 2021 – With its new range of lumi­nai­res Line”, Berlin-based lumi­naire manu­fac­tu­rer Selux makes it pos­si­ble to rethink light. Selux is taking a radi­cal appro­ach to sustai­na­bi­lity with Line: a time­less, mini­ma­list design for a long ser­vice life with redu­ced mate­rial con­sump­tion and high ligh­ting qua­lity. It is based on a com­ple­tely rethought basic con­cept that for­goes a con­ven­ti­o­nal lumi­naire head and inte­gra­tes the optics as a ver­ti­cal line in the pole and is very flexi­ble. This inno­va­tive style allows a com­ple­tely new aes­the­tic impact to unfold. With its time­less design, Line achie­ves new cla­rity in urban spaces.
The pole lumi­nai­res, light columns, bol­lards and wall-moun­ted lumi­nai­res form a system with dif­fe­rent sizes and ligh­ting charac­te­ris­tics for a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons

Sca­la­ble light: friendly to people and nature

The optics modu­les are avai­la­ble in four sizes and dif­fe­rent light dis­tri­bu­ti­ons for ligh­ting levels that react accor­ding to the situ­a­tion. Selux also offers all optics in two dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons: a per­for­mance ver­sion that is, as the name sug­gests, per­for­mance-driven lumen output and effi­ci­ency, and a Com­fort design with light gui­ding lou­vers, which gua­ran­tee excep­ti­o­nal visual com­fort.
This ensu­res effi­cient com­pli­ance with ligh­ting standards even when using widely spaced poles, and allows areas with lower moun­ting heights and higher requi­re­ment in terms of visual com­fort to also be illu­mi­na­ted in a people-friendly way. Golden reflec­tors com­bi­ned with warm light colours like 2200 K or 2700 K con­si­der the needs of wild­life and ensure a pleasant ligh­ting mood and a sense of well-being. Of course, with 3000 K and 4000 K, more neu­tral light colours are also avai­la­ble to indi­vi­du­ally adjust the ligh­ting atmos­p­here to the nature and iden­tity of the sur­roun­ding envi­ron­ment. As a result, the optics reveal a very dis­tin­guis­hed, pleasant appe­a­rance.

Intel­li­gent, con­ve­nient, mul­ti­func­ti­o­nal

Thanks to its modu­lar design and intel­li­gent fea­tu­res, Line offers a wide range of appli­ca­ti­ons with mini­mal mate­rial con­sump­tion. As a uni­ver­sal tool­kit, the range of lumi­nai­res inclu­des a mul­ti­tude of models and com­bi­na­tion opti­ons with which inno­va­tive ligh­ting con­cepts can be imple­men­ted: posts and light columns at various heights for roads, paths and squa­res, as well as bol­lards and wall-moun­ted lumi­nai­res for use on or around buil­dings. The Line uni­ver­sal tool­kit also inclu­des ver­ti­cal, linear optic modu­les for moun­ting on or on top of exis­ting poles. Streets and paths can thus be out­fit­ted with inno­va­tive ligh­ting tech­no­logy cost-effec­ti­vely.

Good for the envi­ron­ment and the budget

Selux manu­fac­tu­res Line in Ger­many with com­po­nents which are also almost sour­ced in Ger­many – for short dis­tan­ces and, the­re­fore, even more sustai­na­bi­lity. On request, Selux also sup­ports the research for local manu­fac­tu­ring part­ners in their region to ensure that the steel com­po­nent of the line (mast, gear tray, tethers) is manu­fac­tu­red locally. In this case, Selux sup­plies the optics, the dri­vers and the know-how. With their energy-effi­cient, long-life and low-main­tenance LED tech­no­logy, the lumi­nai­res are also suit­able for use with con­trol sys­tems to con­trol light accor­ding to needs, the­re­fore saving addi­ti­o­nal energy and expense. What is more, the opti­o­nal Zhaga inter­face cre­a­tes a con­nec­tion for intel­li­gent Smart City fea­tu­res.

Mini­mi­sed to the max: ligh­ting for roads, paths and squa­res from a ver­ti­cal line.

Selux offers all optics in two dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons: a par­ti­cu­larly effi­cient Per­for­mance ver­sion and the Com­fort ver­sion with a light-wide­ning slat for enhan­ced visual com­fort.

The Line: the pro­duct range inclu­des pole lumi­nai­res, light columns, reces­sed and surface-moun­ted wall lumi­nai­res and bol­lards.

Vari­ety in mate­ri­a­lity and colour: a con­crete design is also avai­la­ble in addi­tion to steel as a spe­cial ver­sion of Line.

With its time­less design, Line achie­ves new cla­rity in urban spaces.

The linear lumi­nai­res are also avai­la­ble for exis­ting poles. Streets and paths can thus be out­fit­ted with inno­va­tive ligh­ting tech­no­logy cost-effec­ti­vely

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