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Alder Hey Children‘s Hospital
Liverpool, Great Britain

  • buyer Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
  • architect BDP, Manchester
  • lighting designer Hoare Lea
  • photographer David Barbour

Olivio Sis­tema in the Lar­gest Children‘s Hos­pi­tal in Europe

By child­ren for child­ren. The con­struc­tion con­cept for the Alder Hey Children‘s Hos­pi­tal in Liver­pool was devel­o­ped fol­lo­wing inten­sive exchan­ges with child­ren. As a result the wish for gre­a­ter clo­se­ness to nature was taken into account. The new buil­ding is har­mo­niously incor­po­ra­ted into the lands­cape of Spring­field Park and deli­be­ra­tely emp­ha­si­zes natu­ral ele­ments: wooden mate­ri­als, lively day­light and shapes inspi­red by nature. Numerous design ele­ments with a play­ful charac­ter will help young patients over­come their fear of hos­pi­tals.

Bea­ring in mind that light is hugely impor­tant for human well-being and con­va­les­cence, much emp­ha­sis was placed on natu­ral light guid­ance in the high-tech hos­pi­tal. A large number of day­light rooms with large window fronts were instal­led to create a fee­ling of well-being and pro­vide a pic­tu­resque view of the park. The light from the Selux lumi­nai­res assists the day­light whe­re­ver this dwind­les.

The orga­nic Olivio lumi­nai­res blend har­mo­niously into the design of the com­mu­nal areas (lobby, atria) while here the sub­ject of the park is con­ti­nued deli­be­ra­tely too, with the Olivio Sis­tema lumi­nai­res mer­ging together to form a curved alley­way and besto­wing light on the café below and its invi­ting seats. The park theme ensu­res a casual and relaxed atmos­p­here inside the buil­ding faci­lity.

  • The organic design of Olivio and its functional versatility due to the modular design of this luminaire family is inspired by role models from nature. As a result Olivio forms the basis for light concepts in urban living areas where the focus is on the well-being of people. Olivio luminaire heads are available in the sizes Grande, Medio and Piccolo and can be combined with various arms and pole types from the three design lines Sistema, Floracion and Candelabra. Yet it is not just the design that can be adapted individually according to the situation – various optics and light colours from 2,700 to 4,000 Kelvin also cater for challenging lighting tasks efficiently and without glare: from illumination of paths and squares, floodlighting of façades and accent lighting of buildings. The new Olivio Cap also reduces light scatter and for special requirements, with its camera and loudspeaker modules, Olivio can be integrated into smart application scene. The special wooden-pole aesthetic emphasizes the Olivio's high quality, organic luminaire design. Combined with luminaire heads in a harmonoius colour tone such as bronze, this results in a timelessly comforting spatial ambience.

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