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Extended Light­ing – Key to the Smart City

For the city
Rather than a far-off vision of the future, the changeover to net­worked cities is already hap­pen­ing around us and across the world, big cities are also grow­ing. The increas­ing over­crowd­ing is pre­sent­ing human beings with huge chal­lenges when it comes to com­mu­nal living. At the same time, dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion is pro­vid­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties in orga­niz­ing how we live our lives together and increas­ing the qual­ity of life in cities. Already today, light is an essen­tial part of the urban infra­struc­ture. Smart Light­ing sees Selux take this a step fur­ther, build­ing new bridges to ensure a smart future for our cities.

For soci­ety
Less con­ges­tion, better ori­en­ta­tion, more infor­ma­tion and safety – smart, net­worked tech­nol­ogy has huge poten­tial for increas­ing the qual­ity of life in our cities. Both new and exist­ing light­ing stock is already a com­po­nent part of the infra­struc­ture but with Selux Smart Light­ing, it can become a key ele­ment in the smart city of tomor­row

  • Motion-controlled light

    Control of lighting is needs-based by means of sensors

    – Bright­ness con­trol of indi­vid­ual or mul­ti­ple light spots depend­ing on motion of per­sons
    – Light accom­pa­nies move­ments

    – Energy-saving
    – Enhanced safety
    – Less light pol­lu­tion
    – Enhances well-being

  • Control of individual light spots

    Light-spot based control without control cables or higher-level radio systems

    – Pro­gram­ming of light­ing parame- ters at the loca­tion via app
    – Real-time dim­ming pro­files – Twi­light con­trol

    – Energy-saving
    – Less light pol­lu­tion
    – Low-cost since no con­trol cables or high­er­level radio sys­tems are required

  • Light management system

    Luminaires are connected to one another via a higher-level communication network. Different data for lighting or from sensors can be transferred.

    – Cen­tral pro­gram­ming of light­ing para­me­ters via light man­age­ment soft­ware or at loca­tion via app
    – Real-time dim­ming pro­files with day-depen­dent dim­ming levels
    – Twi­light con­trol
    – Infor­ma­tion on energy con­sump­tion, oper­at­ing times and active mon­i­tor­ing of lumi­naire tem­per­a­ture

    – Energy saving
    – Less light pol­lu­tion
    – Flex­i­ble adjust­ment of light­ing para­me­ters – Mon­i­tor­ing of energy con­sump­tion
    – Fault mes­sages, early detec­tion of fail­ures, opti­miza­tion of repairs and main­te­nance
    – Light­ing para­me­ters and sensor data can be dis­played in the Smart City plat­form or in exist­ing man­age­ment soft­ware

  • Collection of environmental data

    Sensors in the luminaire or on the light pole measure environmental or weather data.

    – Real-time mea­sure­ment of envi- ron­men­tal data (noise, par­tic­u­late matter, nitro­gen oxide, sul­phur diox­ide, CO2, ozone etc.)
    – Real-time mea­sure­ment of weather data (tem­per­a­ture, air humid­ity, pres­sure, pre­cip­i­ta­tion type and quan­tity, wind force and direc­tion etc.)

    – Mon­i­tor­ing and rep­re­sen­ta­tion of env­i­ron- mental para­me­ters
    – Limit value mon­i­tor­ing
    – More closely inter­meshed sensor net­works for improved local weather fore­casts /​severe weather warn­ings or dis­play of envi­ron­men­tal data

  • Adaptive lighting

    Weather data influences distribution of light from luminaire.

    – The light dis­tri­b­u­tion of the lumi- naire changes depend­ing on weather con­di­tions
    LED mod­ules inside the lumi­naire are acti­vated dif­fer­ently depend­ing on the weather

    – Light­ing is opti­mally adapted to the weather con­di­tions
    – Increased safety – Energy-saving

  • Modules for public safety

    Components in the luminaire or on the pole increase safety.

    – Inte­gra­tion of camera sys­tems
    – Inte­gra­tion of loud­speak­ers
    – Inte­gra­tion of emer­gency button

    – Increased safety in public spaces
    – Sim­pli­fied pro­ce­dures in emer­gen­cies

  • Public wi-fi hotspots

    Wi-fi components mounted on luminaire or light pole.

    – Broad­band inter­net for pro­vi­sion of web-based infor­ma­tion and ser­vices

    – Enhances attrac­tive­ness of urban areas
    – Incor­po­ra­tion of local trade or tourism
    – Trans­mis­sion of localised web con­tent
    – Analy­sis of usage behav­iour of users (fre­quency of usage, dwelling times, origin etc.)

  • Public information systems

    Information can be called up via components like info buttons or display screens integrated in the pole.

    – Inte­gra­tion of infor­ma­tion and media tech­nol­ogy

    – Infor­ma­tion can be pro­vided for tourists
    – Infor­ma­tion can be pro­vided for the visu­ally impaired (e.g. audi­ble timeta­bles) – Adver­tis­ing
    – Public trans­port timetable dis­plays – Park guid­ance sys­tems

  • Traffic- and parking space management

    Sensors can detect traffic situations.

    – Improves traf­fic sit­u­a­tions in public spaces – reduces traf­fic search­ing for park­ing spaces

    • Improves envi­ron­men­tal sit­u­a­tions due to less pol­lu­tants and noise

    – Improves traf­fic sit­u­a­tions in public spaces
    – Reduces traf­fic search­ing for park­ing spaces – Improves envi­ron­men­tal sit­u­a­tions due to less pol­lu­tants and noise

  • Charging of electrical cars

    Charging stations integrated on or inside the pole enable charging of electric vehicles.

    – Charg­ing of elec­tric vehi­cles
    – Dif­fer­ent charg­ing point access options (ad-hoc charg­ing, app, RFID card)
    – Online billing of charg­ing costs
    – Free/​occupied mes­sages to infor­ma­tion sys­tems

    – Closely inter­meshed charg­ing infra­struc­ture for elec­tric vehi­cles pro­motes emis­sions-free elec­tri­cal mobil­ity in towns and cities
    – Illu­mi­nated erec­tion loca­tion
    – Saves addi­tional ele­ments having to be installed in urban areas

Smart City luminaires by Selux

Con­nected to Life – for a better qual­ity of life

Key ques­tions in the use of smart tech­nolo­gies are: How can we use it to improve our lives, make them more enjoy­able, inter­est­ing and safer? Smart Light­ing by Selux fol­lows the Con­nected to Life“ prin­ci­ple – rather than an end in itself, tech­nol­ogy is closely con­nected to life and the needs, expec­ta­tions and poten­tial of human beings. This is a strat­egy deployed by Selux to make the smart city a goal that is worth striv­ing for – a city with a sus­tain­able qual­ity of life for all.

Urban light­ing forms a log­i­cal basis for this approach since it pro­vides a huge number of instal­la­tion points with a ready supply of elec­tric­ity. In this way smart lumi­naires become nodes in an exten­sive dig­i­tal net­work – a new role for light­ing tech­nol­ogy, for which Selux is opti­mally pre­pared. Con­sis­tently mod­u­lar prod­ucts like the Lif light column pro­vide the opti­mal pre­req­ui­sites for the inte­gra­tion of smart func­tions. The pro­found tech­ni­cal under­stand­ing of Selux’ experts enables us to work with cus­tomers, users and part­ners to devise solu­tions that are per­fectly tai­lored to indi­vid­ual sit­u­a­tions.

Selux Smart City Test Facility

Dis­cover our on site Berlin test facil­ity in person — we look for­ward to your visit!

Motion-controlled Light
Control of individual light spots
Light management system
Adaptive lighting
Collection of environmental data
Public wi-fi hotspots
Modules for public safety
Public information systems
Traffic- and parking space management
Charging of electrical cars
Charge + Light - Lademodul für Maste
  • technically possible
  • partial integration possible
  • not possible

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