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Olivios for The East Bund
Shanghai, China

  • project The East Bund Waterfront, Shanghai, China
  • client City Council Shanghai
  • architect Arcplus Group PLC, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • landscape architect Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Insititute, Shanghai; EDGING A&LA Co., Ltd., Shanghai Landscape Architecture Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • design WEST 8 urban design & landscape architecture
  • photographer Zilu Wang
  • Representation Cynne Du, Target Lighting

The ina­ugu­ra­tion cere­mony of the waterf­ront on the Huangpu River could hardly have been more spec­ta­cu­lar. To coin­cide with its ope­ning on 31st Decem­ber 2018, there was sno­w­fall in Shang­hai, the rare white blan­ket pro­vi­ding an extra touch of gloss to this freshly lands­ca­ped park – much to the delight of the resi­dents in the Chi­nese met­ro­po­lis. Using Olivio system lumi­na­ires, the reser­ved ligh­ting sets visual accents, while at the same time tur­ning the waterf­ront into an enti­cing space for adven­ture and rela­xa­tion, both by day and night.

The goal was to find the best way to revi­ta­lise the eas­tern waterf­ront along the Huangpu River. The vision for the waterf­ront bet­ween the Yangpu Bridge in the North of Shang­hai and the Xupu Bridge in the south, 45 km long in total, was to create a ver­sa­tile, sus­ta­inable public gre­ens­pace that rema­ins att­rac­tive wha­te­ver the season. Impor­tant objec­ti­ves of its usage con­cept were to furt­her the health and well-being of citi­zens and enrich their lives by offe­ring oppor­tu­ni­ties for sport, games and simply sojo­ur­ning in the fresh air.

Feel-good ambi­ence, light quality and effi­ci­ency are the cri­te­ria pur­sued by the ligh­ting solu­tion here, comp­ri­sing Olivio system lumi­na­ires across a 21 km long sec­tion of the waterf­ront known as The East Bund. With its orga­nic floral shape, the Olivio blends har­mo­ni­o­usly into the sur­ro­un­ding envi­ron­ment, supp­le­men­ting the lands­cape plan­ning by set­ting reser­ved yet dis­tinc­tive ligh­ting accents. Paths and squ­ares are lined with 3.5 m or 4.5 m pole-top lumi­na­ires from the Olivio Can­de­labra series equ­ip­ped with one or two Olivio Medio LED lumi­na­ire heads, depen­ding on the size of the area. From squ­ares deco­ra­ted with benc­hes to cycle paths con­nec­ting the newly lands­ca­ped park to the city centre, the Olivio lumi­na­ire system is dep­lo­yed here fle­xibly in a highly diverse range of ligh­ting situ­ati­ons along the newly desig­ned waterf­ront. Rota­tion-sym­met­ri­cal, wide-beaming ref­lec­tors ensure soft light, pro­vi­ding an invi­ting atmosp­here for visi­tors and ensu­ring safety while jog­ging, cyc­ling, wal­king or simply sojo­ur­ning in the park. A colour tem­pe­ra­ture of 3000K and CRI 80 also help enli­ven the expe­ri­ence of this urban waterf­ront lands­cape at night­time.

  • The organic design of Olivio and its functional versatility due to the modular design of this luminaire family is inspired by role models from nature. As a result Olivio forms the basis for light concepts in urban living areas where the focus is on the well-being of people. Olivio luminaire heads are available in the sizes Grande, Medio and Piccolo and can be combined with various arms and pole types from the three design lines Sistema, Floracion and Candelabra. Yet it is not just the design that can be adapted individually according to the situation – various optics and light colours from 2,700 to 4,000 Kelvin also cater for challenging lighting tasks efficiently and without glare: from illumination of paths and squares, floodlighting of façades and accent lighting of buildings. The new Olivio Cap also reduces light scatter and for special requirements, with its camera and loudspeaker modules, Olivio can be integrated into smart application scene. The special wooden-pole aesthetic emphasizes the Olivio's high quality, organic luminaire design. Combined with luminaire heads in a harmonoius colour tone such as bronze, this results in a timelessly comforting spatial ambience.

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