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Krasnodar Stadium
Kransodar, Russia

  • project Krasnodar Stadium
  • client FC Krasnodar
  • architect Gerkan, Marg and Partner, Hubert Nienhoff, Igor Markov, Sergej Galitsky, JSC SPeeCH
  • lighting designer Conceptlicht, Esta Construction Co. LTD, Philips
  • design Maxim Rymar
  • photographer Marcus Bredt

The new foot­ball sta­dium is a brand new att­rac­tion for the Rus­sian met­ro­po­lis of Kras­no­dar both visu­ally and soci­ally. Shro­uded in the atmosp­he­ric light of Selux lumi­na­ires, this amp­hit­he­atre-like const­ruc­tion radi­ates an unmis­ta­kable energy out­wards – the­reby ren­de­ring a remar­kable con­cept by gmp Arc­hi­tects and Con­cept­licht a reality.

The new home of FC Kras­no­dar was opened in Octo­ber 2016. Ari­sing from not­hing, this high-tech buil­ding was const­ruc­ted in the space of just three years and now pro­vi­des space for 34,000 fans.

The arc­hi­tec­tu­ral con­cept by Gerkan, Marg and Part­ner Arc­hi­tects is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its clas­sic const­ruc­tion, pre­mium quality mate­ri­als and state-of-the-art tech­no­logy while, with its three-part façade, the refe­rence the buil­ding makes to anci­ent amp­hit­he­at­res, the pro­totype for all modern stadia, is unmis­ta­kable. The façade is made from light Roman tra­ver­tine and is illu­mi­na­ted gently and aest­he­ti­cally. The plan­ning by Con­cept­licht recom­men­ded the look and feel of an anci­ent amp­hit­he­atre be rein­for­ced by ligh­ting, to enable the emo­ti­onal nature of spor­ting events to be enhan­ced by a dis­tinct light mood.

To achi­eve the requ­ired ligh­ting ambi­ence, Selux custom-pro­du­ced around 1,100 inte­rior and exte­rior lumi­na­ires spe­ci­ally for the pro­ject. Since the ligh­ting con­cept requ­ired highly pre­cise Grenz ray angles for lumi­na­ires in dif­fe­rent buil­ding areas, Selux deve­lo­ped 25 dif­fe­rent types of spe­cial lumi­na­ires. The dim­mable LED crown lights have been cus­to­mi­sed so their light is rest­ric­ted even before it exits the lumi­na­ire, enab­ling the under­side of the façade sof­fits to be accen­tu­ated opti­mally with light while not illu­mi­na­ting the upper cross­be­ams. On the façade, in the ent­rance area and on the podium, direct beaming cor­nice lights have been dep­lo­yed for a high level of visual plas­ti­city.

An att­rac­tive, highly power­ful lumi­nous LED light ceiling over the ent­rance cre­ates a wel­co­ming feel over a length of approx. 22 metres, with the opal glass dif­fu­ser at the side ensu­ring back­ligh­ting of the ver­ti­cal ceiling ele­ments. First and fore­most, the func­ti­onal ligh­ting is desig­ned to guaran­tee a safe and ple­asant stay in the foot­ball arena. In the cor­ri­dor areas, ter­race ent­ran­ces and wal­k­ways, flush-moun­ted lumi­na­ires with vari­ous emis­sion angles and direct-beaming lumi­na­ires have been ins­tal­led in ceiling cas­set­tes for effi­ci­ent ligh­ting, while effec­tive, reces­sed wall lumi­na­ires with a light cont­rol­ler have been ins­tal­led in the sta­ir­case tran­si­ti­ons.

To visu­ally enhance the sta­ir­ca­ses and tran­si­ti­onal areas, the ligh­ting plan­ners opted for LED light cubes in vari­ous sizes: large lumi­nous cases of up to 2.80 x 2.00 metres scat­ter light via an opal dif­fu­ser, with each one sup­por­ting a direct-beaming down­light in the centre. Selux also pro­vi­ded vari­ous light steles and pole-top lumi­na­ires for the ligh­ting of the podium and the sur­ro­un­ding areas. Besi­des the outs­tan­ding light quality, a furt­her feature of these four-metre high light steles with integ­ra­ted spe­cial optics is how they are equ­ip­ped with multi-func­ti­onal acces­so­ries such as louds­pe­akers, came­ras and an emer­gency unit. Over the fore­co­urt, Avanza lumi­na­ires cast uni­form light, blen­ding in har­mo­ni­o­usly with the arc­hi­tec­ture of this sports arena due to their dis­tinc­tive design lan­gu­age.

The sta­dium const­ruc­tion in Kras­no­dar is far from just a spa­ci­ous and highly ambi­ti­ous buil­ding pro­ject howe­ver – the pri­mary aim of the client was sus­ta­ina­bi­lity in the long term. Here, effi­ci­ent LED ligh­ting tech­no­logy craf­ted by Selux makes both a deci­sive cont­ri­bu­tion to the com­mer­cial use of the sta­dium while at the same time visu­ally enhan­cing the building’s arc­hi­tec­tu­ral aest­he­tic.

  • The perfect blend of technology and design – with two luminaire sizes and various reflector systems, the Avanza family can perform a wide range of lighting tasks in urban spaces. Efficient mid-power LEDs combined with unique freeform reflectors form the basis for high-performance lighting technology. LED clusters are aligned in the main light direction and combined with reflectors coated with purest aluminium ensure a high level of luminous efficiency. Designed from a single cast part, with its clear design language, the Avanza lends an aesthetic touch to streets, squares, pathways, and parks. However, it is its outstanding light quality that is decisive – standards-conforming of course, but above all har-monious with soft brightness transitions and variable light power. With appropriate control devices and interfaces, the Avanza is also optimally prepared for intelligent lighting concepts in smart cities. With its high quality luminaire design and high-performance lighting technology, Avanza is a future-oriented lighting solution that, when combined with the aesthetic of wooden poles, creates a special spatial ambiance.

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