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Sunday 18 March 2018

Connected to Life – Selux at Light + Building 2018

Con­nec­ted to Life – smart light for better quality of life

Using light to create a better quality of life is the goal towards which Selux con­ti­nu­ally deve­lops its pro­ducts. At Light + Buil­ding 2018, Selux will be using the theme Con­nec­ted to Life” in pre­sen­ting its new pro­ducts: smart tech­no­logy embed­ded in the day-to-day lives of users and ope­ra­tors.

This phrase embo­dies much of our DNA since, at Selux, there is a strong tra­di­tion of viewing pro­ducts from a cus­to­mer pers­pec­tive and offe­ring comp­re­hen­sive, effec­tive solu­ti­ons that go beyond mere indi­vi­dual pro­duct items. Our latest pro­ducts, which we will be pre­sen­ting at this trade fair, are all cha­rac­te­ri­sed by our core com­pe­ten­ces of light quality, design and modu­la­rity”, exp­la­ins Jürgen Hess, Exe­cu­tive Board Member, Selux AG. In the cur­rent era of digi­ta­li­sa­tion, ele­gant, pre­mium quality pro­ducts alone are no longer enough.” Con­nec­ted to Life means, on the one hand, the con­nec­tion of indi­vi­dual pro­ducts with the ove­r­w­hel­ming pos­si­bi­li­ties of modern tech­no­logy and on the other hand their sen­sible integ­ra­tion into the every­day lives of human beings.

Smart Ligh­ting for the smart city of tomor­row

One example of this is Smart Ligh­ting by Selux, a key com­po­nent of the smart city of tomor­row. Intel­li­gent net­wor­king for a better quality of life, with urban ligh­ting as an open, modu­lar inf­rast­ruc­ture. Pro­ducts like the Lif light column with its new, smart ele­ments demonst­rate how, at Selux, topics like this are more than just theory – as does our test area in Berlin where cus­to­mers can expe­ri­ence for them­sel­ves how smart tech­no­lo­gies are being integ­ra­ted into ligh­ting. Our modu­lar pro­ducts are ideal for integ­ra­ting smart func­ti­ons, which we then imp­le­ment pro­fes­si­onally and future-reli­ably”, says Ralf P. Knor­rensc­hild, Exe­cu­tive Board Member, Selux AG, of the company’s inno­va­tive focus.

New sys­tems for exte­rior and inte­rior

The new pole-top lumi­na­ires from the Aira family for ins­tance not only demonst­rate a par­ti­cu­lar style of their own due to their trans­pa­rent, geomet­ri­cal moul­ded bodies but are also ideal for the integ­ra­tion of wire­less tech­no­lo­gies since their mate­rial allows radio waves to pass thro­ugh them wit­hout inter­fe­rence. Besi­des the Aira and Lif with their new smart modu­les, there are also the pole-top, bol­lard and wall-moun­ted lumi­na­ires of the Elo family using modu­lar Tritec ligh­ting tech­no­logy with its outs­tan­ding opti­cal cha­rac­te­ris­tics. The Inula, with its cont­rol­lable and fle­xible Dark Sky bol­lard lumi­na­ires rounds off the range of the latest new pro­ducts by Selux for exte­rior use.

When it comes to inte­rior pro­ducts, Selux is exten­ding its com­pe­tence in the area of light lines even furt­her, with addi­ti­ons to the exis­ting M60 Con­nect and M36 sys­tems but also with new inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons. The Via system opens up new pers­pec­ti­ves for the tried-and-tested 3-phase track system, with linear LED lumi­na­ires mer­ging with the track to form a single unit. In this way plan­ners can design vir­tu­ally metaphy­si­cal light lines that offer a high level of func­ti­ona­lity and a wide vari­ety of optics at the same time. A desig­ned object-like pre­sence is in turn the outs­tan­ding feature of the Fluid system, deve­lo­ped by Selux with the Berlin design bureau e27. This modu­lar buil­ding kit for inci­sive struc­tu­res made from asym­met­ri­cal pro­file is an att­rac­tive synt­he­sis of ligh­ting and inte­rior design.

Tur­ning light into space: The trade fair booth

The trade fair booth, desig­ned again this year by Berlin Arc­hi­tects Gon­za­les Haase, ref­lects our values of trans­pa­rency and open­ness with a struc­tu­red yet trans­pa­rent façade made of ver­ti­cal slats. Its colour con­cept of black, white and grey shades ref­lects the interp­lay of light and sha­dows, with black rep­re­sen­ting the exte­rior pro­duct area, grey the inte­rior and white being the areas in the stand dedi­ca­ted to com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The booth pro­vi­des an ideal plat­form for Selux to engage in dialo­gue with plan­ners, cus­to­mers, const­ruc­tors, arc­hi­tects or ligh­ting desig­ners, to col­la­bo­rate on the smart city vision, or to incor­po­rate light ever more seam­lessly into arc­hi­tec­ture – at all times bearing in mind the goal of pro­vi­ding human beings with a better quality of life.

March 2018

About Selux
The Selux Group is a leading pro­vi­der of sus­ta­inable ligh­ting solu­ti­ons for both inte­rior and exte­rior app­li­ca­ti­ons. Acting sus­ta­inably enab­les Selux to main­tain high stan­dards when it comes to energy effi­ci­ency, ergo­no­mics and pro­duct design. Foun­ded in Berlin in 1948, Selux is today a global ope­ra­tion emp­lo­ying 565 staff at sites in Europe, North Ame­rica and Aust­ra­lia. Examp­les of well-known that Selux has been invol­ved in the past inc­lude the Park am Gle­isd­re­i­eck” in Berlin, the Porsche Museum in Stutt­gart, the Vieux-Port in Mar­se­ille and the 911 Memo­rial in New York.

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