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Friday 20 November 2015

Custom Luminaires for the New Port Promenade Hamburg

Brin­ging an outs­tan­ding loca­tion in Ham­burg to life with light: the new port pro­me­nade, from the lan­ding brid­ges to Hamburg‘s Old Ware­ho­use Dist­rict

The Port of Ham­burg has a new pro­me­nade in a pro­mi­nent loca­tion – the Inland Port/​Lower Port flood pro­tec­tion faci­lity bet­ween the lan­ding brid­ges in St. Pauli and the Old Ware­ho­use Dist­rict. The promenade’s dis­tinc­tive arc­hi­tec­ture stems from the London office of Zaha Hadid and is bro­ught to life at night by light from
a tech­ni­cal solu­tion desig­ned by Sch­lot­feldt Licht using LED tech­no­logy by Selux.

The flo­od­wa­ter pro­tec­tion faci­li­ties in the Port of Ham­burg are gra­du­ally
being rene­wed, cre­ating urban plan­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties in defi­ning
loca­ti­ons for the urban lands­cape – like at the flo­od­wa­ter pro­tec­tion
faci­lity for Hamburg’s Inland Port /​Lower Port. Here one of the Port of
Hamburg‘s most impor­tant pro­me­na­des forms a con­nec­tion bet­ween
the lan­ding brid­ges in St. Pauli and the his­to­ri­cal port buil­dings of the
Old Ware­ho­use Dist­rict, which were recently inc­lu­ded on UNESCO‘s list
of world heri­tage sites. The buil­ding sec­tion starts at Baum­wall“ in the
direct vici­nity of the Elbe Phil­har­mo­nic Hall.

Ten­ders were invi­ted to meet spe­cial urban plan­ning requ­ire­ments and
the award-win­ning design was sub­mit­ted by the London office of the
reno­w­ned Zaha Hadid Arc­hi­tects. The ext­ra­or­di­nary arc­hi­tec­ture of
the sta­ir­ca­ses shown in the design, each con­nec­ted to the pro­me­nade
in var­ying dimen­si­ons, ensu­res a high quality visi­tor expe­ri­ence and
aest­he­tic appeal. To enable the ligh­ting effect and light mood to
effec­ti­vely comp­li­ment such arc­hi­tec­tu­ral sop­his­ti­ca­tion, Sch­lot­feldt Licht
pro­po­sed a ligh­ting solu­tion that was not based on stan­dard lumi­na­ires.

The light plan­ning for the flo­od­wa­ter pro­tec­tion faci­lity with its
pro­me­nade and sta­ir­ca­ses is cle­arly subor­di­na­ted to the strict­ness of the
arc­hi­tec­ture. The sta­ir­ca­ses, whose appe­arance is ins­pi­red by wash-outs
in the sand, are emp­ha­si­sed by direct light, while the upper pro­me­nade
is lit using reser­ved light. In order to realise the ligh­ting con­cept, light
plan­ners worked clo­sely with all invol­ved par­ties, the cus­to­mer LSBG, BSU,
Vat­ten­fall (now Ham­burg Ver­kehr­san­la­gen) and Selux. The tech­ni­cal
sup­port we rece­ived from Selux was a defi­ning factor in the suc­cess­ful
comp­le­tion of this ext­ra­or­di­nary pro­ject,“ exp­la­ined Volker Auge­ner from

Based on the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons in the design by Sch­lot­feldt Licht, Selux
deve­lo­ped a pro­ject-spe­ci­fic LED pole lumi­na­ire. Poles are moun­ted at
inter­vals of bet­ween 18 and 40m at heights of 6.5 m or 8.5m, with each
pole assig­ned to a sta­ir­case, to which it is tilted at an inc­line of around
15°. All poles for a single sta­ir­case system have a uni­form height and each
pole bears six pivo­ting LED lumi­na­ire heads, three with bat­wing light
dist­ri­bu­tion and three with flood optics, enab­ling vari­ous areas, shapes
and dis­tan­ces to be illu­mi­na­ted dif­fe­rently. Each LED lumi­na­ire head is
equ­ip­ped with its own, DALI-capable driver, enab­ling a wide vari­ety of
light scenes to be prog­ram­med via the rele­vant cont­rol­ler.

The highly com­pact lumi­na­ire heads are reces­sed into dep­res­si­ons in the
poles, which are tape­red orga­ni­cally towards the top end; their sur­face
cor­res­pon­ding in colour with the dark ground below. The design lan­gu­age
for the light poles is based on mari­time asso­ci­ati­ons such as ships‘ masts,
cranes or the stalks of reeds.

The way in which the sta­ir­ca­ses inter­sect alter­na­tely in the pro­me­nade
calls to mind small amp­hit­he­at­res. Uni­form illu­mi­na­tion would have
resul­ted in a sta­dium effect, which we wanted to avoid in the inte­rest of
cre­ating a high quality visi­tor expe­ri­ence,“ exp­la­ined Light Plan­ner Tom
Sch­lot­feldt. For this reason the light poles were arran­ged so that they
create both bright and darker zones. The pole lumi­na­ires have alre­ady
been ins­tal­led in the first sec­tion Baum­wall” and the lumi­na­ire heads
pro­vi­si­onally alig­ned.

The feed­back so far both from resi­dents of Ham­burg and tourists has
been ove­r­w­hel­mingly posi­tive. With its seating areas, the pro­me­nade
has been accep­ted as a key new visi­tor att­rac­tion, to an extent that
(accor­ding to ini­tial esti­ma­ti­ons) is even beyond the scope of our
expec­ta­ti­ons,“ reports Tom Sch­lot­feldt. This is doubt­less also due to the
light mood and the high quality tech­ni­cal reali­sa­tion of the pro­ject, the
result of which pro­ject par­ti­ci­pants are most cer­ta­inly highly satis­fied

Pro­ject par­ti­ci­pants:
Const­ruc­tor: LSBG (Lan­des­bet­rieb Stra­ßen, Brüc­ken und Gewäs­ser), Ham­burg
Arc­hi­tec­ture: Zaha Hadid Arc­hi­tects, London; Jan Hübe­ner, Studio H2K, Ham­burg (until 2014 asso­ci­ate at Zaha Hadid Arc­hi­tects, Ham­burg office)
Light plan­ning: Sch­lot­feldt Licht, Ham­burg
Other par­ti­ci­pants: BSU (former aut­ho­rity for urban deve­lop­ment and the envi­ron­ment, since 1st July 2015 split into the aut­ho­rity for urban deve­lop­ment and living/​BSW and the aut­ho­rity for envi­ron­ment and energy/​BUE), Ham­burg Verkehrsanlagen/​HHVA
Pro­ducts: Selux LED light stele Ham­burg Lower Har­bour“ with 6 LED lumi­na­ire heads, 16W/3000K each, DALI cont­rol devi­ces

Novem­ber 2015

About Selux

The Selux Group is a leading pro­vi­der of sus­ta­inable ligh­ting solu­ti­ons
for both inte­rior and exte­rior app­li­ca­ti­ons. By acting sus­ta­inably, Selux
is able to main­tain high stan­dards when it comes to energy effi­ci­ency,
ergo­no­mics and pro­duct design. Foun­ded in Berlin in 1948, Selux is a
global com­pany which is ope­ra­ti­onal in Europe, North Ame­rica and
Aust­ra­lia, emp­lo­ying 565 staff. In 2014 the Selux Group con­ti­nued its
steady suc­cess course in inc­re­asing its tur­no­ver by 8.9 % to 95 mil­lion
euros. Much of this growth was due to its USA plant (+ 31.4 %) and
Ger­many (+ 11.5 %).

At pre­sent, LED ligh­ting is res­pon­sible for more than 50% of the Selux
tur­no­ver, with this figure fore­cast to rise to 70% by the end of 2016,
the­reby pre­pa­ring the way for a full chan­ge­over to digi­tal ligh­ting in the
near future. LED light enab­les addi­ti­onal energy savings due to intel­li­gent
cont­rol sys­tems and it is in this area that Selux will be focus­sing its
deve­lop­ment efforts in future. Some examp­les of well-known pro­jects
that Selux has been invol­ved with in the past inc­lude the Park am
Gle­isd­re­i­eck in Berlin, the Porsche Museum in Stutt­gart, the Vieux-Port in
Mar­se­ille and the 911 Memo­rial in NYC.

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