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Sunday 13 March 2016

Trigo – Pole-top luminaire

Three light dist­ri­bu­ti­ons for sus­ta­inable urban ligh­ting and time­less simp­li­city

The Trigo pole-top lumi­na­ire com­bi­nes a time­less, ele­gant design with effi­ci­ent tech­no­logy ensu­ring opti­mal ligh­ting for pat­h­ways, pedest­ri­ani­sed areas, and parks. With three light dist­ri­bu­ti­ons and opti­onal Com­fort Optic for extra visual com­fort, Trigo can be used for a wide range of light plan­ning app­li­ca­ti­ons in urban areas.

Selux´ Trigo sees the launch of a highly effi­ci­ent, low-cost exte­rior LED lumi­na­ire that is suitable both for upg­ra­ding exis­ting ligh­ting sys­tems and as a new ins­tal­la­tion in the widest vari­ety of urban envi­ron­ments. Need­less to say, the lumi­na­ire meets the cri­te­ria for pro­tec­tion class IP65 and can be ins­tal­led directly onto stan­dard poles. The three ava­ilable direc­ti­onal cha­rac­te­ris­tics cover a wide range of app­li­ca­tion areas – besi­des the vari­ant for sym­met­ri­cal 360 degree illu­mi­na­tion, there are two asym­met­ri­cal vari­ants for road­ways and squ­ares, the latter of which radi­ates over a par­ti­cu­larly wide area.

Each of the three vari­ants is ava­ilable in two light colo­urs – 3,000 K and 4,500 K – for a choice of a warmer or cooler urban look. These mul­tiple vari­ants enable vari­ega­ted ligh­ting requ­ire­ments and a con­sis­tent design – a strong argu­ment in the Trigo’s favour.

Proven ligh­ting tech­no­logy – deve­lo­ped by Selux
For each of its direc­ti­onal cha­rac­te­ris­tics, Selux has deve­lo­ped a spe­cial, self-con­ta­ined light module comp­ri­sing LEDs, ref­lec­tors and ins­tal­la­tion unit. This integ­ral system com­bi­nes a high level of visual com­fort in the form of excel­lent anti-glare pro­per­ties with maxi­mum effi­ci­ency enab­ling these light modu­les, which radi­ate directly dow­n­wards only, to attain a system effi­ci­ency of more than 100 lumens per watt.

Com­fort Optic for par­ti­cu­larly homo­ge­ne­ous light
All vari­ants can opti­onally be equ­ip­ped with the Com­fort Optic. This trans­pa­rent, sphe­ri­cal dif­fu­ser with a spe­cial pris­ma­tic struc­ture dist­ri­bu­tes light energy across the entire light exit area, gene­ra­ting a homo­ge­ne­ous, soft glare-free light, making it ideal for situ­ati­ons such as resi­den­tial areas where a par­ti­cu­larly high level of visual com­fort are essen­tial.

Prog­ram­mable power adjust­ment
LED cont­rol tech­no­logy by Selux makes an impor­tant cont­ri­bu­tion to the lowe­ring of energy con­sump­tion. Trigo lumi­na­ires are switc­hable and dim­mable via a DALI inter­face. Furt­her cont­rol opti­ons are also ava­ilable such as phase-cont­rol­led half-night switc­hing or power-redu­ced ope­ra­tion with up to five adjus­table dim­ming set­tings.

Durable in all res­pects
As with all Selux lumi­na­ires, with the design of the Trigo, great impor­tance has been placed on a long ser­vice life. The housing is made of coated, die-cast alu­mi­nium while the light modu­les can simply be rep­la­ced when re-quired. And beca­use Selux saves measu­re­ment data and docu­ments for all LED lumi­na­ires with res­pect to light colour, lumi­nous flux and power for the sake of quality assu­rance, lumi­na­ire com­po­nents can be reor­de­red with the same con­fi­gu­ra­tion.

Sus­ta­inable design
The design lan­gu­age of the Trigo is anot­her impor­tant factor in its lon­ge­vity. The com­bi­na­tion of geomet­ri­cal basic shapes – a cir­cu­lar plate for the lumi­na­ire body and a tri­angle for its dual-arm con­nec­tion – lends the design of the Trigo a cer­tain time­less­ness. As a result, it is capable of blen­ding superbly into all urban arc­hi­tec­tu­ral envi­ron­ments where looks to be pre­ci­sely what it is – a highly effi­ci­ent, highly eco­no­mi­cal yet ext­re­mely durable lumi­na­ire.

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