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Tuesday 16 December 2014

Silver prize for Selux Lookbooks and Olivio configurator at the Annual Multimedia Awards 2015

At the Annual Mul­ti­me­dia Awards 2015, two dig­i­tal appli­ca­tions by the Berlin lumi­naire man­u­fac­turer Selux were awarded the silver acco­lade — Selux Look­books in the Microsites cat­e­gory and the Olivio con­fig­u­ra­tor in the Tools cat­e­gory. Devel­oped in con­junc­tion with the CDLX/​Codeluxe design studio, both these appli­ca­tions are char­ac­terised by their intu­itive, emo­tional han­dling of com­plex, tech­ni­cal prod­uct con­cepts.

20 years since it was first founded, the Annual Mul­ti­me­dia Awards have come to be regarded as a seal of qual­ity in the world of dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing. Year after year, the award-win­ning projects serve to doc­u­ment the state of the art, high­light trends and act as impor­tant sources of inspi­ra­tion for dig­i­tal brand com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The deci­sion to award prizes to both the Selux Look­books and the Olivio Con­fig­u­ra­tor, thereby offi­cially des­ig­nat­ing them the status of ground­break­ing dig­i­tal projects, was reached in Octo­ber 2014 fol­low­ing two days of delib­er­a­tions by the jury.

Selux arranges its prod­uct in Look­books, a con­cept that orig­i­nates from the world of fash­ion, these dig­i­tal pre­sen­ta­tions sum­marise the high­lights within the fre­quently com­plex prod­uct fam­i­lies in a way which cap­tures the reader’s atten­tion. Spe­cial func­tions enable indi­vid­ual pre­sen­ta­tions to be cre­ated both quickly and simply, making them a par­tic­u­larly impor­tant tool for archi­tects and light plan­ners, as well as for the Selux sales team. A spe­cial visual lan­guage has been devel­oped for the look­books, which empha­sises the dis­tinc­tive geo­met­ri­cal shape of the lumi­naire hous­ings and shows prod­ucts within their spa­tial con­text based on pre­vi­ously com­pleted projects.

The Selux con­fig­u­ra­tors pro­vide assis­tance for plan­ning pur­poses, with these online plan­ning tools avail­able for sev­eral Selux prod­uct ranges. The Olivio con­fig­u­ra­tor, which has now been awarded the silver prize, rep­re­sented a par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge for the devel­op­ers. With more than 2000 pos­si­ble vari­a­tions, Olivio is one of the most com­plex fam­i­lies of exte­rior lumi­naires cur­rently on the market. The chal­lenge was to make it pos­si­ble to dis­cover all these pos­si­bil­i­ties in a way which was fun yet at the same time pro­vided accu­rate infor­ma­tion for pro­fes­sional light­ing plan­ners. With its intu­itive drag and drop con­trol, the Olivio con­fig­u­ra­tor com­bines both these require­ments in one pro­fes­sional tool.

The Selux inter­na­tional web pres­ence has already been awarded sev­eral prizes in the past. In 2012 the Selux web­site, also designed in con­junc­tion with CDLX/​Codeluxe, was awarded the Red Dot Design Award 2012 and the iF com­mu­ni­ca­tion design award 2013 and also nom­i­nated for the Design­preis der Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutsch­land” (Fed­eral Repub­lic of Ger­many Design Prize). We regard this prize at the Annual Mul­ti­me­dia Awards 2015 as acknowl­edge­ment of our suc­cess­ful col­lab­o­ra­tion with Selux and our long-term dig­i­tal strat­egy,” explained Hugo Göld­ner, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor and Design Man­ager at CDLX. Manuela Schn­abel, Head of Mar­ket­ing / Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at Selux takes a sim­i­lar view: Rev­o­lu­tions in the world of light­ing are reflected not just in our prod­ucts but in our com­mu­ni­ca­tions too, which we have aligned to the require­ments of an increas­ingly dig­i­talised and net­worked world.”

Decem­ber 2014


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