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Barangaroo Reserve
Sydney, Australia

  • buyer Barangaroo Delivery Authority and Lend Lease
  • landscape architect PWP Landscape Architecture, Berkeley
  • lighting designer Webb Australia Group, Sydney
  • photographer Dave Wicks, DMWCreative

Baranga­roo Reserve in Sydney is the world’s largest inner-city devel­op­ment project. Offices, busi­ness spaces, and res­i­den­tial build­ings are cur­rently being built across an area of 22 hectares on its former con­tainer port — sur­rounded by parks and con­nected to a spec­tac­u­lar water­front. The project, which will be com­pleted by 2022, con­forms to the latest eco­log­i­cal cri­te­ria and is already regarded as the land­mark of the con­tem­po­rary pacific region today.

For the park and prom­e­nade light­ing, 200 dig­i­tally con­trolled LED lumi­naires were sup­plied by Selux. The task of design­ing a safe, energy-effi­cient public space to be enjoyed by people of all ages and all types of mobil­ity fell to the light plan­ning com­pany Webb Aus­tralia Group, who opted to use inno­v­a­tive light­ing tech­nol­ogy by Selux.

The design con­cept for the prom­e­nade light­ing was inspired by the site’s mar­itime his­tory. Whereas in the past ships were nav­i­gated through Sydney’s har­bour by bea­cons, Lanova lumi­naires now light up the way for vis­i­tors. Their cylin­dri­cal design has been sub­or­di­nated to the har­bour tower’s design lan­guage, blend­ing har­mo­niously into the newly cre­ated sur­round­ings of the Baranga­roo Reserve. The subtle pole-top lumi­naires run along the prom­e­nade repli­cat­ing the orig­i­nal 1836 coast­line with its mighty sand­stone blocks. Located at reg­u­lar inter­vals to ensure night-time uni­for­mity for acces­si­bil­ity and a sense of secu­rity, the Lanova lumi­naires form their own unique rhythm appear­ing like sus­pended lanterns.

The high-per­for­mance mirror optics of the Lanova ensure effec­tive light­ing of hor­i­zon­tal work­ing planes. The uni­form light­ing of the park’s main path­ways guar­an­tees a high level of sojourn qual­ity while direct light dis­tri­b­u­tion pre­vents unnec­es­sary light pol­lu­tion. All Lanova lumi­naires are equipped with KNX-DALI tech­nol­ogy, thereby enabling needs-based park light­ing depend­ing on the time of day and number of vis­i­tors. The pre­mium-qual­ity and reli­able light­ing tech­nol­ogy by Selux ensures all stan­dards for bar­rier-free access and safety in public spaces are adhered to around the clock.

  • With its illuminated diffuser, which shapes its immediate surroundings, the modern, technical design of the Lanova family stands out during the night time. Its cylindrical shape distinguishes these luminaires, which are available in pole-top, pendant or catenary versions. Optimised light technology makes for maximum visual comfort, and enables ultra-efficient lighting schemes that conform to international standards for a wide range of environments.

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