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Krasnodar Stadium
Krasnodar, Russia

  • Projet Krasnodar Stadium
  • Maîtrise d'ouvrage FC Krasnodar
  • Architecte(s) Gerkan, Marg and Partner, Hubert Nienhoff, Igor Markov, Sergej Galitsky, JSC SPeeCH
  • Conception Lumière Conceptlicht, Esta Construction Co. LTD, Philips
  • Design Maxim Rymar
  • Photographe Marcus Bredt

The new foot­ball sta­dium is a brand new attrac­tion for the Rus­sian metro­po­lis of Kras­no­dar both visually and socially. Shrou­ded in the atmos­phe­ric light of Selux lumi­naires, this amphi­theatre-like construc­tion radiates an unmis­ta­kable energy out­wards – the­reby ren­de­ring a remar­kable concept by gmp Archi­tects and Concept­licht a rea­lity.

The new home of FC Kras­no­dar was opened in Octo­ber 2016. Ari­sing from nothing, this high-tech buil­ding was construc­ted in the space of just three years and now pro­vides space for 34,000 fans.

The archi­tec­tu­ral concept by Gerkan, Marg and Part­ner Archi­tects is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its clas­sic construc­tion, pre­mium qua­lity mate­rials and state-of-the-art tech­no­logy while, with its three-part façade, the refe­rence the buil­ding makes to ancient amphi­theatres, the pro­to­type for all modern stadia, is unmis­ta­kable. The façade is made from light Roman tra­ver­tine and is illu­mi­na­ted gently and aes­the­ti­cally. The plan­ning by Concept­licht recom­men­ded the look and feel of an ancient amphi­theatre be rein­for­ced by ligh­ting, to enable the emo­tio­nal nature of spor­ting events to be enhan­ced by a dis­tinct light mood.

To achieve the requi­red ligh­ting ambience, Selux custom-pro­du­ced around 1,100 inter­ior and exte­rior lumi­naires spe­cially for the pro­ject. Since the ligh­ting concept requi­red highly pre­cise Grenz ray angles for lumi­naires in dif­ferent buil­ding areas, Selux deve­lo­ped 25 dif­ferent types of spe­cial lumi­naires. The dim­mable LED crown lights have been cus­to­mi­sed so their light is res­tric­ted even before it exits the lumi­naire, enabling the under­side of the façade sof­fits to be accen­tua­ted opti­mally with light while not illu­mi­na­ting the upper cross­beams. On the façade, in the entrance area and on the podium, direct bea­ming cor­nice lights have been deployed for a high level of visual plas­ti­city.

An attrac­tive, highly power­ful lumi­nous LED light cei­ling over the entrance creates a wel­co­ming feel over a length of approx. 22 metres, with the opal glass dif­fu­ser at the side ensu­ring back­ligh­ting of the ver­ti­cal cei­ling ele­ments. First and fore­most, the func­tio­nal ligh­ting is desi­gned to gua­ran­tee a safe and plea­sant stay in the foot­ball arena. In the cor­ri­dor areas, ter­race entrances and walk­ways, flush-moun­ted lumi­naires with various emis­sion angles and direct-bea­ming lumi­naires have been ins­tal­led in cei­ling cas­settes for effi­cient ligh­ting, while effec­tive, reces­sed wall lumi­naires with a light control­ler have been ins­tal­led in the stair­case tran­si­tions.

To visually enhance the stair­cases and tran­si­tio­nal areas, the ligh­ting plan­ners opted for LED light cubes in various sizes: large lumi­nous cases of up to 2.80 x 2.00 metres scat­ter light via an opal dif­fu­ser, with each one sup­por­ting a direct-bea­ming down­light in the centre. Selux also pro­vi­ded various light steles and pole-top lumi­naires for the ligh­ting of the podium and the sur­roun­ding areas. Besides the outs­tan­ding light qua­lity, a fur­ther fea­ture of these four-metre high light steles with inte­gra­ted spe­cial optics is how they are equip­ped with multi-func­tio­nal acces­so­ries such as loud­spea­kers, came­ras and an emer­gency unit. Over the fore­court, Avanza lumi­naires cast uni­form light, blen­ding in har­mo­niously with the archi­tec­ture of this sports arena due to their dis­tinc­tive design lan­guage.

The sta­dium construc­tion in Kras­no­dar is far from just a spa­cious and highly ambi­tious buil­ding pro­ject howe­ver – the pri­mary aim of the client was sus­tai­na­bi­lity in the long term. Here, effi­cient LED ligh­ting tech­no­logy craf­ted by Selux makes both a deci­sive contri­bu­tion to the com­mer­cial use of the sta­dium while at the same time visually enhan­cing the building’s archi­tec­tu­ral aes­the­tic.

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