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Wednesday 6 May 2020

Lif Gobo projector and pathway module

Selux is adding new light­ing tools to its Lif mod­u­lar system lumi­naire: the path­way module and the Gobo pro­jec­tor. With eye­catch­ing pro­jec­tion effects these expand and enhance the scope of plan­ning.

New spacer ele­ments in four heights per­fectly com­ple­ment the ver­sa­tile con­fig­u­ra­tion options of Lif. Depend­ing on the con­fig­u­ra­tion, it can be trans­formed into a lumi­naire for squares or path­ways, an accent light, or even all of these at once. Smart com­po­nents like a loud­speaker module, camera, or WiFi ele­ment make this light column a key ele­ment in smart cities.

Get inspired by our Lif
See the Look­book
See the Prod­uct site

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