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Min­i­mal­ist shape and dis­tinc­tive sub­stance – with the Trigo less is quite simply more. The geo­met­ric shape of this lumi­naire defines its dis­tinc­tive char­ac­ter and time­less design. Trigo is incred­i­bly straight­for­ward and can be inte­grated easily into urban envi­ron­ments. At the heart of the lumi­naire are our own-devel­op­ment pre­mium qual­ity Selux optics, ensur­ing har­mo­nious and effi­cient light­ing at all times.

Trigo is suit­able for a wide range of appli­ca­tions: for 360-degree sym­met­ri­cal beam­ing, low-level light­ing of squares or linear asym­met­ri­cal street light­ing. Whether used for res­i­den­tial streets, pedes­trian precincts or parks, the Trigo is a price-con­scious solu­tion that, both func­tion­ally and visu­ally, can be inte­grated into all urban set­tings.

Motion-controlled Light
Control of individual light spots
Light management system
Adaptive lighting
Collection of environmental data
Public wi-fi hotspots
Modules for public safety
Public information systems
Traffic- and parking space management
Charging of electrical cars
Charge + Light - Lademodul für Maste
  • technically possible
  • partial integration possible
  • not possible

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