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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Selux starts a new Intelligent Solutions business unit

Berlin, April 2012 – Light’s increa­sing digi­ta­li­za­tion is chan­ging the way we illu­mi­nate our world. Inno­va­tive LED and OLED tech­no­lo­gies herald the start of a new epoch of digi­tal light mana­ge­ment. The new Intel­li­gent Solu­tions busi­ness unit at Selux will meet the increa­sing demand for indi­vi­dual LED light solu­tions and energy-effi­cient light mana­ge­ment systems.

Intel­li­gent Solu­tions” will see Selux incor­po­ra­ting a future-com­pa­ti­ble busi­ness unit into its inter­na­tio­nal light manu­fac­tu­ring ope­ra­tion. The days when light could merely be swit­ched on or off have gone fore­ver, and in many areas where there is a need for mul­ti­func­tio­na­lity, a pro­fes­sio­nal light mana­ge­ment system has now become the tech­ni­cal stan­dard. The range of appli­ca­tions for Intel­li­gent Solu­tions today is broad. Light mana­ge­ment not only gua­ran­tees energy effi­cient ope­ra­tion of lighting systems but also gene­ra­tes emo­tio­nal, com­for­ta­ble lighting and unique lighting expe­rien­ces for all envi­ron­ments with com­for­ta­ble and fle­xi­ble light moods inclu­ding colour con­trol. For sales and pre­sen­ta­tions or events, Inte­rior Media Solu­tions pro­vide inno­va­ti­vely con­trol­led colou­red walls, light cei­lings and light artin­stal­la­tions for inte­rior spaces. The Archi­tain­ment Solu­tions Exte­rior appli­ca­tion area repre­sents a fusion of archi­tec­tu­ral and enter­tain­ment lighting. With indi­vi­dual media con­trol, inte­rac­tive expe­rien­ces can be rea­li­sed for archi­tec­tu­ral lighting in public spaces, be this for lighting of buil­dings and faca­des or the arti­stic set­ting-in-scene of brid­ges, parks and light art­works. Pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in Intel­li­gent Solu­tions is based on inno­va­tions, energy effi­ciency and user friend­li­ness, with use­made of core tech­no­lo­gies like DALI, DMX RDM, ART-NET and Ether­net net­works. The Intel­li­gent Solu­tions busi­ness unit offers a holi­stic solu­tion for Selux custo­mers, from plan­ning and pro­ject mana­ge­ment to manu­fac­ture, imple­men­ta­tion and after-sales ser­vice and sup­port for indi­vi­dual custo­mer solu­tions, all avai­la­ble from a single pro­vi­der. Mana­ger of the new busi­ness unit is Dipl.-Ing. Chri­stian Lade.

Intel­li­gent Solu­tions will be pre­sen­ting the fol­lo­wing highlights at Light + Buil­ding 2012:

1. Light­Tab: The intui­tive, fully-gra­phi­cal user inter­face is now avai­la­ble as a second-gene­ra­tion app for ope­ra­tion of the Net­Com­po­ser light mana­ge­ment system.
2. Pixel­Per­for­mer: Archi­tain­ment media sever, spe­cially for low-reso­lu­tion LED appli­ca­tions in buil­dings using tablet PC con­trol.
3. Media­Dot: RGBW LED module, can be con­trol­led direc­tly via DMX/RDM and is freely con­fi­gu­ra­ble for up to 50 modu­les per chain for media appli­ca­tions in archi­tec­tu­ral lighting.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the Intel­li­gent Solu­tions” busi­ness unit can be found at Light + Buil­ding, in Hall 3.1,Stand B81.

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