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Monday 20 May 2019

Selux AG are now focussing on smart exterior lighting with its interior luminaires, designed by Selux, being provided in future by Ridi Gmbh.

Berlin, May 2019 – With its stra­te­gic rea­li­gn­ment to pre­mium-qua­lity, smart lighting solu­tions for exte­rior use, Selux AG is focus­sing on a dyna­mic mar-ket with gro­wing poten­tial. The good news for archi­tects and plan­ners who spe­cia­lize in inte­rior lighting howe­ver is that many tried-and-tested Selux pro­ducts for inte­rior use will con­ti­nue to be avai­la­ble. Selux AG has licen­sed the manu­fac­tu­ring, sale and distri­bu­tion of these within Europe to Ridi Leu­ch­ten GmbH.

Pro­duct fami­lies to be pro­du­ced and distri­bu­ted by Ridi Leu­ch­ten GmbH in Jun­gin­gen with the Desi­gned by Selux” label in future include, among others, the Selux series Via, Fluid, Loop, Kju, Pure­light LED, Xea, M-Modu­lar (M36, M60, M100), M 60 Con­nect, Pallas, Sur­vi­vor and M 125/M200.

This agree­ment con­sti­tu­tes a win-win-situa­tion for all invol­ved,” explains Markus Schie­bold, who is respon­si­ble on the Selux exe­cu­tive board for ope­ra­tio­nal imple­men­ta­tion of the rea­li­gn­ment: Selux AG will retain valua­ble resour­ces for the sub­se­quent restruc­tu­ring pro­cess while at the same time Ridi will opti­mize and extend its port­fo­lio to include pro­ducts desi­gned by Selux.” In par­ti­cu­lar howe­ver, it is con­struc­tors, plan­ners and archi­tects who will bene­fit from this: Need­less to say we are delighted to be able to keep the Selux design and our exten­sive know-how alive in the inte­rior area in this way while also ena­bling its con­ti­nued usage in nume­rous con­struc­tion pro­jects throu­ghout Europe,” adds his fellow Selux exe­cu­tive board member Jürgen Hess, who is respon­si­ble for pro­duct inno­va­tions at Selux.

For all custo­mers who have pur­cha­sed inte­rior pro­ducts by Selux in the past howe­ver, Selux AG will con­ti­nue to be the ini­tial point of con­tact – for que­stions rela­ted to ser­vi­cing of pro­ducts or spare parts for instance.

Its US sub­si­diary Selux Cor­po­ra­tion is not affec­ted by this sale of usage rights. In the US pre­mium qua­lity Selux inte­rior solu­tions will con­ti­nue to be deve­lo­ped, pro­du­ced and distri­bu­ted in nume­rous coun­tries outside of Europe.

Water­front Lill­sjö­plan, Jön­kö­ping, Sweden
Pho­to­gra­pher: Werner Nystrand

May 2019

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