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Dental clinic at Radboud University

  • progetto Dental Clinic Nijmegen
  • cliente Radboud University
  • architeto Inbo Amsterdam
  • lighting designer Deerns
  • installazione elettrica Deerns / Croes
  • fotografo Jan De Vries
  • project.representation Selux Benelux

Nij­me­gen – for­merly known in English as Nime­guen – is the oldest city in the Nether­lands, close to the lively old town of which is the green campus of the research-based Rad­boud Uni­ver­si­teit. This spra­w­ling campus is a mix­ture of low and high buil­dings – one of which is home to the Faculty of Dentistry’s clinic. Star­ting in 2014, this buil­ding was refur­bi­shed and expan­ded with the focus on sustai­na­bi­lity and design – inclu­ding effi­cient, ele­gant lighting by Selux manu­fac­tu­red with the same goal. In the atrium Olivio system lumi­nai­res pro­vide fle­xi­ble and effi­cient light.

Besi­des a modern façade, the dental faci­lity has also bene­fi­ted from a new, cen­trally-loca­ted atrium. Due to its low height, the modern buil­ding also draws its natu­ral, park-like sur­roun­dings deep into its inte­rior. The view of the outside is also unob­struc­ted above head height, with the glass cei­ling ena­bling plenty of natu­ral day­light to flood into its inte­rior to com­ple­ment the sophi­sti­ca­ted arti­fi­cial lighting. Plan­ners at the engi­nee­ring firm Deerns opted for the Olivio system lumi­naire – desi­gned by the land­scape archi­tects at West 8.

With its floral look, Olivio brings nature into the atrium. Like flo­wer­buds sprou­ting from a branch, the deli­cate lum­ni­naire heads har­mo­nise with the sur­roun­ding land­scape – ena­bling the pre­sti­gious atrium to flower’ in a new light. The 5.5 metre high tape­red pole with slo­ping arm mat­ches the Y-shaped sup­por­ting con­struc­tion of the glass cei­ling while the Olivio lumi­nai­res, which were ori­gi­nally desi­gned for exte­rior lighting, sup­port the inte­rior with its lar­gely open design.

The six pole-top lumi­nai­res manage to stand out in the light-floo­ded hall, while simul­ta­neou­sly blen­ding seam­les­sly into the sur­roun­dings. The warm 3000 K lumi­nous colour also crea­tes a plea­sant sojourn qua­lity. In the adja­cent areas, Olivio sur­face-moun­ted lumi­nai­res on the expo­sed con­crete cei­lings pro­vide a gentle tran­si­tion with the nei­gh­bou­ring rooms.

Close col­la­bo­ra­tion bet­ween dental spe­cia­lists, archi­tects and engi­neers has led to a sustai­na­ble refur­bish­ment of this clinic, but also in enhan­ced com­fort, an orga­nic design and effi­cient lighting tech­no­logy.

  • La straordinaria famiglia di apparecchi di illuminazione Olivio è un moderno e originale sistema di illuminazione urbana multifunzionale disponibile in tre grandezze con riflettori intercambiabili per l'illuminazione stradale e d'accento. Questo flessibile sistema di illuminazione può essere equipaggiato con accessori ottici come ottiche ad anelli e a nido d'ape, lenti colorate e lenti di elongazione che offrono ulteriori effetti e possibilità di controllo. I pali e gli sbracci Olivio Sistema, Candelabra e Floracion garantiscono la massima libertà in termini di design e flessibilità di progettazione.

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