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Gunwharf Quays
Portsmouth, Great Britain

  • progetto Gunwharf Quays Designer Outlet
  • architetto paesaggista HGP architects
  • design West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
  • fotografo Tom Niven, Amphitype
  • project.representation Selux UK

Gun­wharf Quays is one of the lar­gest desi­gner outlet cen­tres in the south of England and is loca­ted in the heart of Ports­mouth, right by the har­bour. As well as over 90 stores and more than 30 restau­rants, it also houses a cinema com­plex, a bow­ling alley and an art gal­lery. The histo­ric sur­roun­dings of the har­bour, inclu­ding the Natio­nal Museum of the Royal Navy, also make it centre a popu­lar desti­na­tion for tou­rists. This bustling loca­tion was recen­tly fitted with accent lighting using Olivio Sistema lumi­nai­res.

Ports­mouth is famous for its mari­time history – Richard I built a dock here for royal gal­leys as far back as the 12th cen­tury. Around 1500, it became the site of Portsmouth’s defence works and, in the 17th cen­tury, Gun­wharf was used for the main arse­nal. In 1923 the site was taken over by the Royal Mari­nes, for whom it served as a base until 1986. After the Royal Mari­nes left, it was taken over by Ports­mouth City Coun­cil, who deci­ded to use it to enhance the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the city, the­reby increa­sing the number of visi­tors. The goal was to moder­nise the city centre and open up the sea front to the public, crea­ting jobs in the pro­cess.

During the con­struc­tion of the centre, which was plan­ned by HGP archi­tects, new ben­ch­marks were set for eco­logy. Gun­wharf Quays is powe­red by one of the lar­gest solar cells sur­face areas in Europe and has its own recy­cling centre. For illu­mi­na­tion of the foot­pa­ths and the spa­cious squa­res around the shop­ping centre, the lighting plan­ners at BDP have chosen Olivio Medio lumi­nai­res. Using Sistema 1 arms, seve­ral Olivio Medio lumi­nai­res have been arran­ged around tape­red steel poles at angles of bet­ween 0° and 360° ensu­ring opti­mal light distri­bu­tion at this popu­lar loca­tion.

  • La straordinaria famiglia di apparecchi di illuminazione Olivio è un moderno e originale sistema di illuminazione urbana multifunzionale disponibile in tre grandezze con riflettori intercambiabili per l'illuminazione stradale e d'accento. Questo flessibile sistema di illuminazione può essere equipaggiato con accessori ottici come ottiche ad anelli e a nido d'ape, lenti colorate e lenti di elongazione che offrono ulteriori effetti e possibilità di controllo. I pali e gli sbracci Olivio Sistema, Candelabra e Floracion garantiscono la massima libertà in termini di design e flessibilità di progettazione.

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