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Olivio at Selmas Park
Gothenburg, Sweden

  • progetto Selma Lagerlöfs Parkstråk
  • architeto ÅWL Arkitekter / Maja Forsberg
  • lighting designer Light Bureau
  • fotografo Felix Gerlach
  • project.representation Selux Sverige

The rapidly gro­wing suburb of Backa in Gothen­burg is one of the most impor­tant deve­lo­p­ment areas in the city. Selmas Park is a new green hub there for lei­sure acti­vi­ties, mee­ting people and recrea­tion. The lighting for this green­space, which has a highly varied design and is aimed at both young and old, uses lumi­nai­res from the Olivio Sistema design line.

Backa’s new urban con­cept com­bi­nes modern houses with exi­sting buil­dings erec­ted in Sweden during the Mil­lion Pro­gramme era of the 1960s. The draft for Selmas Park by the land­scape archi­tects’ bureau ÅWL Arki­tek­ter focus­sed on social sustai­na­bi­lity and inte­gra­tion. The goal was to create a park land­scape with a strong iden­tity, in which citi­zens can con­nect with one ano­ther.

It is Backa’s history as a garden suburb, which inspi­res the new Selmas Park. In the 19th cen­tury, a series of far­myards arose here and Backa became the garden of Gothenburg’s local eco­nomy, sup­ply­ing resi­dents with fruit, vege­ta­bles and flo­wers. But what about the safety con­cept for a new green­space desi­gned for recrea­tio­nal use? The chal­lenge was to pro­vide small, inti­mate places where the various users can inte­ract without this resul­ting in an unsafe envi­ron­ment,” explains Land­scape Archi­tect Maja For­sberg, who was respon­si­ble for the pro­ject at ÅWL Archi­tects. Toge­ther with light desi­gners from Light Bureau, a lighting con­cept was deve­lo­ped that increa­ses the fee­ling of safety and sup­ports the location’s key focus – play and lei­sure acti­vi­ties.

The majo­rity of the park land­scape is illu­mi­na­ted using white LED light, which ensu­res better reco­gni­tion of colours and hence of faces. Colou­red light pro­vi­des accent lighting for the entrance area and play­ground. As well as increa­sing the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the site, it is desi­gned to encou­rage visi­tors to par­take in acti­vi­ties.

The main path through the park is illu­mi­na­ted using Olivio lumi­nai­res on low poles. The illu­mi­na­ted path­ways indi­cate their course without cau­sing exces­sive scat­ter light, the­reby pro­vi­ding orien­ta­tion during dar­k­ness. Areas for lei­sure acti­vi­ties are lit using Olivio lumi­nai­res on higher poles to attain wider and more uni­form illu­mi­na­tion of these spaces while addi­tio­nal Olivio gobo spots are on hand to pro­vide arti­stic light pro­jec­tions. Tar­ge­ted light set­tings of trees around the main square crea­tes an atmo­sphe­ric ambience – making for a sustai­na­ble and safe loca­tion bri­stling with life and action.

  • La straordinaria famiglia di apparecchi di illuminazione Olivio è un moderno e originale sistema di illuminazione urbana multifunzionale disponibile in tre grandezze con riflettori intercambiabili per l'illuminazione stradale e d'accento. Questo flessibile sistema di illuminazione può essere equipaggiato con accessori ottici come ottiche ad anelli e a nido d'ape, lenti colorate e lenti di elongazione che offrono ulteriori effetti e possibilità di controllo. I pali e gli sbracci Olivio Sistema, Candelabra e Floracion garantiscono la massima libertà in termini di design e flessibilità di progettazione.

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