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Place de la République
Paris, Francia

  • progetto Place de la République
  • cliente Ville de Paris
  • acquirente Ville de Paris
  • architeto Trévelo & Viger-Kohler (TVK)
  • architetto paesaggista Martha Schwartz Partners et Areal
  • lighting designer Yann Kersalé - AIK
  • installazione elettrica ATEC Ingénierie
  • fotografo Xavier Boymond

Over the years, the Place de la Répu­bli­que has been tran­sfor­med into a major Pari­sian cros­sroads, the day-to-day life of which is defi­ned by the con­stant pre­sence of cars. Con­se­quen­tly in 2008, the Pari­sian Muni­ci­pal Autho­ri­ties announ­ced a pro­ject for ren­de­ring the square a more attrac­tive loca­tion for pede­strians and for enhan­cing the monu­ments around the square. The resul­tant lighting con­cept has been deve­lo­ped by Yann Ker­salé from AIK. The light is desi­gned to fulfil two func­tions in this new public space: lighting of roads for cars and the deve­lo­p­ment of pede­stria­ni­zed areas.

Here, Selux Olivio lumi­nai­res are atta­ched on 16.5 metre high poles tape­ring off to a point at the top. These pro­duce a com­for­ta­ble white light for pede­strians or an orange light for the road­ways. The poles on the north-eastern side of the square are equip­ped with acou­stic signals and LED screens, which display an ever-chan­ging meta­mor­pho­sis of abstract light. The green area in the middle of the square is lit using Olivio Can­de­la­bra lumi­nai­res. These gua­ran­tee a high level of visi­bi­lity for pede­strians, cyclists and moto­rists, even at night time. The light con­cept by Yann Ker­salé gua­ran­tees visual com­fort, ele­gance and safety while taking into con­si­de­ra­tion the light design goals of the Pari­sian Muni­ci­pal Autho­ri­ties.

  • La straordinaria famiglia di apparecchi di illuminazione Olivio è un moderno e originale sistema di illuminazione urbana multifunzionale disponibile in tre grandezze con riflettori intercambiabili per l'illuminazione stradale e d'accento. Questo flessibile sistema di illuminazione può essere equipaggiato con accessori ottici come ottiche ad anelli e a nido d'ape, lenti colorate e lenti di elongazione che offrono ulteriori effetti e possibilità di controllo. I pali e gli sbracci Olivio Sistema, Candelabra e Floracion garantiscono la massima libertà in termini di design e flessibilità di progettazione.

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