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Place du Peuple, Saint-Étienne
Saint-Étienne, France

  • progetto Place du Peuple, Saint-Étienne
  • cliente Ville de Saint-Étienne
  • lighting designer Cobalt Lumière, Lyon
  • installazione elettrica Sobeca
  • project.representation Selux France

Whe­reas in the past Saint-Étienne was a weal­thy indu­strial town, today the city in the Rhône-Alpes region is geared more towards cul­ture and tou­rism. Moder­ni­sa­tion of the muni­ci­pal lighting was one of the mea­su­res inten­ded to pro­vide this city near to Lyon with a new iden­tity. As a result a new lighting con­cept has been devi­sed for the city’s main square.

The Place du Peuple is a city square of sym­bo­lic impor­tance and forms part of Saint-Etienne’s histo­ric town centre. When it was rede­si­gned, streng­the­ning its iden­tity at night time was of major prio­rity. The plan­ners from Cobalt Lumière opted for the modu­lar system lumi­naire Lif, which can handle a variety of dif­fe­rent lighting tasks simul­ta­neou­sly. The top ele­ment with qua­dru­ple Tritec optics ensu­res a har­mo­nious light mood while a fur­ther func­tion of the twin­spot module is to radiate light onto objects on the square. The inte­rior-illu­mi­na­ted open holder ele­ment radia­tes trans­pa­rency and light­ness. Its custom-made spe­cial oval recess, which is also colou­red red, is a real eye­cat­cher that attracts the admi­ring looks of pede­strians not just during the day. The Lif top module has been equip­ped with a warm light colour of 2700K – ensu­ring a light accent that pro­vi­des com­fort and warmth during the eve­ning hours.

  • Cities are lively, vibrant places that are always in motion. Changes in use within communal spaces or multi-functional concepts are transforming urban spaces and with it, the requirements for lighting. As a modular system luminaire in the shape of a slim, cylindrical light column, Lif provides full freedom for the creation of light settings in urban spaces and the smart implementation of these using networked functions. More flexible than any other luminaire, it adapts itself to the widest variety of urban lighting tasks. By day, Lif occupies a reserved role in the cityscape but it is during darkness that it demonstrates its true versatility – depending on the configuration, it can be transformed into a luminaire for squares or pathways, an accent light, or even all of these at once, while at all times remaining a minimalist light column. Lighting tools like the pathway module or the Gobo projector for eyecatching projection effects expand and enhance the scope of planning. New spacer elements in four heights perfectly complement the versatile configuration options of Lif, while smart components like a loudspeaker module, camera, or WiFi element make this light column a key element in smart cities.

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