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Friday 17 May 2024

Wooden Pole Finishes

Wooden Pole Fini­shes

This colour chart has been desi­gned to pro­vide a solu­tion to all archi­tec­tu­ral forms.

The Natu­ral col­lec­tion

  • Natu­ral Chene de Fer­rare
  • Natu­ral Ton­ne­lier

Light shades revea­ling the grain of the wood. Fashio­na­bly popu­lar fresh deli­cate shades that can be com­bi­ned with a wood archi­tec­ture or natu­ral envi­ron­ment or simply to offer a con­trast by pro­vi­ding a natu­ral flair to a metal or urban archi­tec­ture.

The Time­less col­lec­tion

  • Time­less Brume
  • Time­less Tyrol Pine
  • Time­less Chest­nut

Authen­ti­city, moder­nist, ele­gance. These fini­shes suit to all types of archi­tec­tu­ral deve­lo­p­ment, whe­ther pre­do­mi­nan­tly colour­ful or not. The inter­play of mate­rials and con­trasts for a sen­sa­tion of warmth in metal­lic or mine­ral sur­roun­ding.

The Mine­ral col­lec­tion

  • Mine­ral Light Mine­ral
  • Mine­ral Dark Mine­ral
  • Mine­ral Ori­gine

Colou­red greys, either warm or cool, depen­ding on the light. The grain of the wood is just visi­ble while the iri­de­scent effects give a metal or stone-like aspect. Ideal for those shades of grey often found in the archi­tec­tu­ral land­scape by giving a little hint of some­thing both ori­gi­nal and neu­tral.

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