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Sunday 13 March 2016

Light moves - Selux at Light + Building 2016

Light is much more what we per­ceive with our eyes. Light affects our well-being and our health. It stim­u­lates our senses, pro­vides us with guid­ance and qual­ity of life. At Light + Build­ing 2016, Selux will be pre­sent­ing itself and numer­ous new prod­ucts under the motto Light moves“. The exhi­bi­tion will demon­strate how, at all times, Selux works with light as a cul­tural asset, plac­ing its trust in prac­tice-ori­ented col­lab­o­ra­tions with light plan­ners, archi­tects and design­ers stretch­ing back many years.

At Light + Build­ing 2016 Selux will be unveil­ing a com­plete new range of prod­uct inno­va­tions that pro­vide plan­ners with better options for exte­rior and inte­rior light design. Need­less to say, all of these new lumi­naires use LED tech­nol­ogy, which has been opti­mised by Selux to obtain the great­est pos­si­ble effi­ciency, light qual­ity and visual com­fort. The result is lumi­naires that incor­po­rate highly inno­v­a­tive designs, such as the stele-type exte­rior lumi­naire Lif, with its mod­u­lar setup or the Loop, a cir­cu­lar lumi­naire that superbly meets the com­plex require­ments of the office envi­ron­ment. Yet Lif and Loop are just two exam­ples of how this com­bi­na­tion of light­ing tech­nol­ogy and design is enabling Selux to create ground-break­ing prod­ucts.

Design — a key ele­ment but no end in itself
As well as allow­ing tech­ni­cally inno­v­a­tive light­ing solu­tions, LEDs also open up entirely new pos­si­bil­i­ties for design. Selux makes intel­li­gent use of these options to create inno­v­a­tive, sophis­ti­cated con­cepts that incor­po­rate reduc­tions in shape and volume to create a new type of min­i­mal­ism, while at the same time boast­ing max­i­mum light qual­ity. This enables Selux to remain just as true to its tra­di­tion of refined sim­plic­ity as to tra­di­tional German design par­a­digms, which were the orig­i­nal reason for its global impor­tance.

An exam­ple of this is the extra flat, sur­face-mounted lumi­naire Pallas, which com­bines min­i­mal­ist design with homo­ge­neous, opti­mum light yet is extremely durable and simple-to-assem­ble. With its cor­re­spond­ing media car­rier that can hold cables and other ele­ments, Pallas is a per­fect exam­ple of smart, func­tional inte­gra­tion.

Out­stand­ing mod­u­lar­ity
Another fea­ture that is evi­dent from the Selux port­fo­lio is the idea of mod­u­lar­ity. Rather than indi­vid­ual light­ing solu­tions, Selux devel­op­ers focus on mod­u­lar system con­cepts and ver­sa­til­ity of appli­ca­tion. Selux sys­tems enable max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity, since we offer a wide range of vari­ants in terms of light dis­tri­b­u­tions, light colours, per­for­mance classes and assem­bly meth­ods“, explains Selux Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Jürgen Hess. This is demon­strated, for exam­ple, by our highly suc­cess­ful M-family, to which a new member, the M60 Con­nect, is due to be added this year. As a result we can pro­vide plan­ners with tools for first-class light­ing solu­tions.“

Full sup­port for plan­ners and users
Our long-term think­ing when it comes to col­lab­o­ra­tion is evi­dent in many areas, and not just in our prod­uct port­fo­lio. Aspects such as ser­vice and sup­port for project work are very impor­tant for us“, adds Selux Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Felix Grön­waldt. Our goal is to enable the impor­tance of first-class light to be expe­ri­enced and to raise an aware­ness of this. We aim to inspire people and moti­vate them to become involved in the design process by making cre­ative use of our lumi­naires and light­ing solu­tions.“

Light moves – the trade fair expe­ri­ence
Selux also places its faith in time-hon­oured part­ner­ships when it comes to stands at trade fairs, with this year´s design once again orig­i­nat­ing from the Berlin archi­tec­tural bureau Gon­za­les Haase. The con­cept is based on that grand master of moder­nity, Le Cor­busier – ref­er­enc­ing his prin­ci­ples of light inci­dence mod­u­la­tion using lou­vred com­part­ments. 5.50 metre tall alu­minium lou­vres enclose the stand, cre­at­ing excit­ing inter­ac­tion between den­sity and trans­parency, its appear­ance chang­ing depend­ing on the move­ments of vis­i­tors. Our trade fair stand is intended as an open think tank, a plat­form for exchang­ing ideas and for inspi­ra­tions, as well as for dis­cus­sions on market require­ments of the future“, explains Jürgen Hess. Inter­ac­tion is a key ele­ment here – as well as for the stand’s authen­tic mate­ri­als: wood, alu­minium and felt. Only when the right light is applied does its true nature become evi­dent, with the sen­su­ous­ness of the sur­faces revealed: We enable under­stand­ing of qual­ity of light.“

Selux and archi­tec­tural think­ing
Good light is more than just a prod­uct or com­mod­ity, it is also a mis­sion to soci­ety – or at least for Selux. Ulti­mately, in all con­sid­er­a­tions, our focus is on light – light that meets project require­ments as well as long term via­bil­ity. Accord­ingly Selux will also be extend­ing its range of dig­i­tal plan­ning tools to incor­po­rate con­fig­u­ra­tors for both of its new prod­ucts, Lif and M60 Con­nect, as well as cor­re­spond­ing Look­books on its web­site. All rel­e­vant up-to-date prod­uct and system infor­ma­tion is avail­able dig­i­tally at Selux at all times.

We always think in terms of the archi­tec­ture“, stresses Felix Grön­waldt. The lumi­naire is actu­ally just a means to an end yet it is a means that we par­tic­u­larly wish to cel­e­brate during Light + Build­ing.“

March 2016

About Selux
The Selux Group is a lead­ing provider of sus­tain­able light­ing solu­tions for both inte­rior and exte­rior appli­ca­tions. By acting sus­tain­ably, Selux is able to main­tain high stan­dards when it comes to energy effi­ciency, ergonom­ics and prod­uct design. Founded in Berlin in 1948, Selux is a global com­pany which is oper­a­tional in Europe, North Amer­ica and Aus­tralia, employ­ing 565 staff. In 2014 the Selux Group con­tin­ued its steady suc­cess course in increas­ing its turnover by 8.9 % to 95 mil­lion €. Much of this growth was due to its USA plant (+31.4 %) and Ger­many (+11.5 %).

At present, LED light­ing is respon­si­ble for more than 50 % of the Selux turnover, with this figure fore­cast to rise to 70 % by the end of 2016, thereby prepar­ing the way for a full changeover to dig­i­tal light­ing in the near future. LED light enables addi­tional energy sav­ings due to intel­li­gent con­trol sys­tems and it is in this area that Selux will be focussing its devel­op­ment efforts in future. Some exam­ples of well-known projects that Selux has been involved with in the past include the Park am Gleis­dreieck“ in Berlin, the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, the Vieux-Port in Mar­seille and the 911 Memo­r­ial in NYC.

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