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Sunday 13 March 2016

Light + Building 2016

La lumière est beau­coup plus ce que nous per­ce­vons avec nos yeux. La lumière affecte notre bien-être et notre santé. Elle sti­mule nos sens, nous four­nit l’orientation et la qua­lité de vie. Lors du Light + Buil­ding 2016, Selux a pré­senté de nom­breux nou­veaux pro­duits sous le slogan Light move”. L’exposition a démon­trée com­ment, en tout temps, Selux tra­vaille avec la lumière comme un bien cultu­rel, met­tant sa confiance dans des col­la­bo­ra­tions axées sur la pra­tique avec des concep­teurs lumière, des archi­tectes et des desi­gners depuis de nom­breuses années.

Chez Light + Buil­ding 2016, Selux a dévoilé une nou­velle gamme com­plète de pro­duits inno­vants qui offrira aux concep­teurs de meilleures options pour la concep­tion de l’éclairage exté­rieur et inté­rieur. Inutile de dire que tous ces nou­veaux lumi­naires uti­lisent la tech­no­lo­gie LED, opti­mi­sée par Selux pour obte­nir la plus grande effi­ca­cité pos­sible, une très grande qua­lité de la lumière un confort visuel opti­mal. Il en résulte des lumi­naires aux desi­gns très inno­vants, tels que le lumi­naire exté­rieur Lif, avec sa confi­gu­ra­tion modu­laire ou le Loop, un lumi­naire cir­cu­laire qui répond par­fai­te­ment aux exi­gences com­plexes de l’environnement de bureau. Pour­tant, Lif et Loop ne sont que deux exemples de la façon dont cette com­bi­nai­son de tech­no­lo­gie et de concep­tion d’éclairage permet à Selux de créer des pro­duits inno­vants.

Design — a key ele­ment but no end in itself
As well as allo­wing tech­ni­cally inno­va­tive ligh­ting solu­tions, LEDs also open up enti­rely new pos­si­bi­li­ties for design. Selux makes intel­li­gent use of these options to create inno­va­tive, sophis­ti­ca­ted concepts that incor­po­rate reduc­tions in shape and volume to create a new type of mini­ma­lism, while at the same time boas­ting maxi­mum light qua­lity. This enables Selux to remain just as true to its tra­di­tion of refi­ned sim­pli­city as to tra­di­tio­nal German design para­digms, which were the ori­gi­nal reason for its global impor­tance.

An example of this is the extra flat, sur­face-moun­ted lumi­naire Pallas, which com­bines mini­ma­list design with homo­ge­neous, opti­mum light yet is extre­mely durable and simple-to-assemble. With its cor­res­pon­ding media car­rier that can hold cables and other ele­ments, Pallas is a per­fect example of smart, func­tio­nal inte­gra­tion.

Outs­tan­ding modu­la­rity
Ano­ther fea­ture that is evident from the Selux port­fo­lio is the idea of modu­la­rity. Rather than indi­vi­dual ligh­ting solu­tions, Selux deve­lo­pers focus on modu­lar system concepts and ver­sa­ti­lity of appli­ca­tion. Selux sys­tems enable maxi­mum flexi­bi­lity, since we offer a wide range of variants in terms of light dis­tri­bu­tions, light colours, per­for­mance classes and assem­bly methods“, explains Selux Mana­ging Direc­tor Jürgen Hess. This is demons­tra­ted, for example, by our highly suc­cess­ful M-family, to which a new member, the M60 Connect, is due to be added this year. As a result we can pro­vide plan­ners with tools for first-class ligh­ting solu­tions.“

Full sup­port for plan­ners and users
Our long-term thin­king when it comes to col­la­bo­ra­tion is evident in many areas, and not just in our pro­duct port­fo­lio. Aspects such as ser­vice and sup­port for pro­ject work are very impor­tant for us“, adds Selux Exe­cu­tive Direc­tor Felix Grön­waldt. Our goal is to enable the impor­tance of first-class light to be expe­rien­ced and to raise an awa­re­ness of this. We aim to ins­pire people and moti­vate them to become invol­ved in the design pro­cess by making crea­tive use of our lumi­naires and ligh­ting solu­tions.“

Light moves – the trade fair expe­rience
Selux also places its faith in time-honou­red part­ner­ships when it comes to stands at trade fairs, with this year´s design once again ori­gi­na­ting from the Berlin archi­tec­tu­ral bureau Gon­zales Haase. The concept is based on that grand master of moder­nity, Le Cor­bu­sier – refe­ren­cing his prin­ciples of light inci­dence modu­la­tion using lou­vred com­part­ments. 5.50 metre tall alu­mi­nium louvres enclose the stand, crea­ting exci­ting inter­ac­tion bet­ween den­sity and trans­pa­rency, its appea­rance chan­ging depen­ding on the move­ments of visi­tors. Our trade fair stand is inten­ded as an open think tank, a plat­form for exchan­ging ideas and for ins­pi­ra­tions, as well as for dis­cus­sions on market requi­re­ments of the future“, explains Jürgen Hess. Inter­ac­tion is a key ele­ment here – as well as for the stand’s authen­tic mate­rials: wood, alu­mi­nium and felt. Only when the right light is applied does its true nature become evident, with the sen­suous­ness of the sur­faces revea­led: We enable unders­tan­ding of qua­lity of light.“

Selux and archi­tec­tu­ral thin­king
Good light is more than just a pro­duct or com­mo­dity, it is also a mis­sion to society – or at least for Selux. Ulti­ma­tely, in all consi­de­ra­tions, our focus is on light – light that meets pro­ject requi­re­ments as well as long term via­bi­lity. Accor­din­gly Selux will also be exten­ding its range of digi­tal plan­ning tools to incor­po­rate confi­gu­ra­tors for both of its new pro­ducts, Lif and M60 Connect, as well as cor­res­pon­ding Look­books on its web­site. All rele­vant up-to-date pro­duct and system infor­ma­tion is avai­lable digi­tally at Selux at all times.

We always think in terms of the archi­tec­ture“, stresses Felix Grön­waldt. The lumi­naire is actually just a means to an end yet it is a means that we par­ti­cu­larly wish to cele­brate during Light + Buil­ding.“

Mars 2016

À propos de Selux

Le groupe Selux est un leader de solu­tions d’éclairage durables pour des appli­ca­tions inté­rieures et exté­rieures. En agis­sant de manière durable, Selux est capable de main­te­nir des normes éle­vées en matière d’efficacité éner­gé­tique, d’ergonomie et de concep­tion de pro­duits. Fondée à Berlin en 1948, Selux est une société mon­diale qui est opé­ra­tion­nelle en Europe, en Amé­rique du Nord et en Aus­tra­lie, employant 565 col­la­bo­ra­teurs. Quelques exemples de pro­jets connus aux­quels Selux a déjà par­ti­cipé com­prennent le «Park am Gleis­dreieck» à Berlin, le Porsche Museum de Stutt­gart, le Vieux-Port de Mar­seille et le Mémo­rial 911 à New York.

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