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Thursday 13 December 2012

Selux website is awarded iF Communication Design Award 2013

For the new Selux web­site, it is already the second award in suc­ces­sion. After being named a Red Dot Design award winner in 2012, the jury for the iF Design Award 2013 were equally impres­sed by the global lighting manufacturer’s new web­site.

The web­site is one of the key ele­ments of Selux’ rede­si­gned cor­po­rate iden­tity, which was laun­ched at the Light+Building trade fair in April 2012. Stan­dar­di­sed for the entire Selux Group, it has been ali­gned to the requi­re­ments of an increa­sin­gly digi­ta­li­zed and net­wor­ked world. The part­ner for the pro­ject was the Stan Hema agency, which helped Selux in pur­suing its goals and was respon­si­ble for rea­li­zing these in gra­phi­cal terms. The new cor­po­rate iden­tity encap­su­la­tes the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the Selux brand – modu­la­rity and ser­vice – and incor­po­ra­tes sophi­sti­ca­ted infor­ma­tion pro­ces­sing, a rea­li­gned pro­duct system, with clear display of com­plex tech­ni­cal con­tent.

The new web­site has been rea­li­sed in coo­pe­ra­tion with Code­luxe Design Studio. Con­si­sten­tly redu­ced to the essen­tials, the new Selux World Wide Web pre­sence acts as a cen­tral con­tact point for pro­fes­sio­nal desi­gners. Above all it offers tools that will guide users to spe­ci­fic data on all Selux pro­ducts and variants quic­kly, ena­bling them to research the infor­ma­tion they require accu­ra­tely and find relia­ble results. In today’s glo­ba­li­zed world, making the right deci­sions from a wealth of infor­ma­tion and pro­ducts that is now avai­la­ble on a hitherto unk­nown scale is cru­cial. As Klaus-Peter Siems­sen — Pre­si­dent of the Board of the Selux Group and respon­si­ble for the company’s rea­li­gn­ment pro­cess — explains, it is a com­ple­xity that is increa­sin­gly over­whel­ming. Sim­pli­city and cla­rity have assu­med a far grea­ter impor­tance in today’s world. Selux offers lighting solu­tions for inte­rior and exte­rior use and, for this reason, our pri­mary focus is on these solu­tions and their func­tions. The better we pre­pare the infor­ma­tion for our part­ners, the more effi­cien­tly they can work.”

Ini­tial infor­ma­tion in the cata­lo­gue – real-time infor­ma­tion on the web

Using intel­li­gent search func­tions, com­bi­na­ble fil­ters and a dyna­mic Pro­duct Selec­tor, lighting tech­no­logy plan­ning data can be deter­mi­ned in just a few steps and then fur­ther pro­ces­sed in a per­so­na­li­zed area. Ano­ther advan­tage is that the prin­ted cata­lo­gue and web­site are clo­sely inter­lin­ked. If a plan­ner is loo­king for a lumi­naire in the pro­duct cata­lo­gue, all the rele­vant ini­tial infor­ma­tion, usage exam­ples and pro­duct codes can be found on the cata­lo­gue pages. These will in turn lead to the spe­ci­fic tech­ni­cal data, plan­ning para­me­ters etc. on the web­site. Because the data can be modi­fied quic­kly, par­ti­cu­larly with LED appli­ca­tions, only the most impor­tant infor­ma­tion has been inclu­ded in our cata­lo­gue,” explains Klaus-Peter Siems­sen. For this reason, real-time tech­ni­cal data appears on the Selux web­site inde­pen­dent of cata­lo­gue cycles. In this way the plan­ner can have access to real infor­ma­tion at all times and we are able to observe LED inno­va­tion cycles.”

Clear design – fresh look and feel

The new Selux iden­tity gains its impe­tus from just a few simple but style-defi­ning ele­ments, which not only lead to a plea­sant cla­rity but also give the web­site a clear, fresh-loo­king ele­gance too. A system of pic­to­grams makes com­mu­ni­ca­tion of multi-laye­red tech­ni­cal details easier in pro­duct over­views and tables. The cen­tral theme of light is also reflec­ted in the ample use of white spaces, which is a con­stant theme throu­ghout all appli­ca­tions. Right from the outset, we were inspi­red by the Selux cor­po­rate cul­ture, by their tan­gi­ble pas­sion for sophi­sti­ca­ted lighting and their fasci­na­ting pro­duct solu­tions,” explains Andreas Weber, Design Part­ner at Stan Hema, who con­clu­des: Selux is a strong brand and a para­gon of design – inclu­ding for Cor­po­rate Iden­tity!”


You are on Selux Germany

Just like other web­si­tes, we use coo­kies to improve and per­so­na­lize your expe­rience. We col­lect stan­dard Inter­net log infor­ma­tion and aggre­ga­ted data to ana­lyse our traf­fic. Our pre­fe­rence and mar­ke­ting coo­kies allow us to adapt our con­tent and ads to our audience inte­rests.