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Thursday 29 September 2016

EXPO 2016 in Antalya Turkey

Inter­na­tio­nal Hor­ti­cul­tu­ral Exhi­bi­tion – with Light by Selux

On 23rd April, the first world exhi­bi­tion opened to the public in Anta­lya in Turkey. Under the motto Flo­wers and Chil­dren“ the EXPO focu­ses on nature and sustai­na­bi­lity rather than indu­stry and engi­nee­ring. It is part of a series of inter­na­tio­nal hor­ti­cul­tu­ral exhi­bi­tions that have been orga­ni­sed under the auspi­ces of the Bureau Inter­na­tio­nal des Expos (BIE)“, the last of which was held in 2012 in Venlo in the Nether­lands. The EXPO grounds com­prise 53 natio­nal gar­dens as well as other theme-based gar­dens grou­ped around an arti­fi­cial lake. For the lighting of paths and squa­res, the plan­ners opted for exte­rior lumi­nai­res from the Selux pro­duct range.

The city of Anta­lya is a world famous beach resort and the tou­rism centre of the Tur­kish Riviera. The goal of this EXPO, that fini­shes on 30th Octo­ber, is to draw deser­ving atten­tion to the green­ness of the fer­tile region that sur­rounds Anta­lya. Besi­des the cul­ti­va­tion of fruit, vege­ta­bles and flo­wers, the natu­ral habi­tat of this hin­ter­land also inclu­des a diverse bota­nic spec­trum with more than 750 ende­mic plant varie­ties.

Repur­po­sing per­spec­ti­ves

Toge­ther with history, bio­di­ver­sity and green cities, sustai­na­bi­lity is one of the four key areas of this exhi­bi­tion. True to this idea, a plan is already in place for sub­se­quent reuse of the 112 hec­tare large exhi­bi­tion grounds. With its arti­fi­cial EXPO lake, the newly plan­ted forest, the Children‘s Island, the Museum for Agri­cul­ture, a viewing plat­form and an amphi­thea­tre hol­ding 2000 people, it is desti­ned to serve as a public park and events venue – mea­ning it will be both a tou­rist attrac­tion and a green lung for the rapidly gro­wing metro­po­lis. The design con­cept for the grounds and buil­dings was con­cei­ved by Mehmet Senol and his team from the ARTI Mimar­lık Bureau in Ankara. The 114 metre high EXPO tower, with its highly expres­sive shape, has the poten­tial to become a land­mark both of the exhi­bi­tion and for the Anta­lya sur­roun­ding region.

The majo­rity of the lighting on the EXPO grounds has been sup­plied by Selux. As well as ensu­ring bright­ness and safety for visi­tors during the eve­ning and at night-time, the hun­dreds of pole-top lumi­nai­res from the Astro and Olivio series also lend the grounds an impres­sive ove­rall appea­rance during dar­k­ness. The 15-metre high poles from the Olivio Sistema design line, each of which is fitted with 15 Olivio Grande light heads, are a par­ti­cu­lar eye-cat­cher. These have been erec­ted at pro­mi­nent loca­tions such as the main entrance, side entrance, Expo tower and Expo Square. The Olivio lumi­naire heads coil in an ele­gant spiral up the poles ensu­ring a state-of-the-art but at the same time orga­nic look. Each of the lumi­naire heads can be ali­gned indi­vi­dually with their rota­tio­nally sym­me­tri­cal 40° LED optics and con­trol­led via DALI,“ local light plan­ner Niyazi Avci explains of the lighting con­cept: This has ena­bled us to make fle­xi­ble use of just a few pole-top lumi­nai­res for uni­form lighting of both open spaces and exhi­bi­tion objects.“

Ano­ther factor in the suc­cess of this pro­ject was that, in Gül­te­kin Coskun, Selux had at its dispo­sal an expe­rien­ced pro­ject mana­ger who was highly fami­liar with the Tur­kish lan­guage, cul­ture and men­ta­lity due to his own family back­ground. That alone was not suf­fi­cient to ensure the suc­cess of the pro­ject howe­ver,“ empha­si­sed Mr Coskun: Niyazi Avci and ARTI Archi­tects from Ankara are among the most reno­w­ned light plan­ners and archi­tects in Turkey and their lighting con­cept placed high demands for qua­lity and energy effi­ciency on our pro­ducts.“ Under­stan­ding the expec­ta­tions and desi­res of plan­ners cor­rec­tly during intense talks and imple­men­ting these was just as impor­tant, in the view of the pro­ject mana­ger, as effi­cient coo­pe­ra­tion within the team itself.

Win­ning design and tech­no­logy

The paths around the various natio­nal gar­dens are also lined with pole-top lumi­nai­res from the Olivio series. A total of 266 lumi­nai­res from the Olivio Can­de­la­bra design line with three Olivio Medio light heads emit their high-qua­lity LED light via rota­tio­nally sym­me­tri­cal wide-bea­ming reflec­tors. The plan­ners chose 4000 Kelvin as the light colour with an above stan­dard CRI of >80 for natu­ral repro­duc­tion of the ubi­qui­tous colour­ful plants and flo­wers. The third Selux lumi­naire type spe­ci­fied by Niyazi Avci was the Astro pole-top lumi­naire. Almost four hun­dred of these are loca­ted at various pro­mi­nent loca­tions such as at the VIP buil­ding, the Press Centre, the amphi­thea­tre and the Children‘s Island. They are equip­ped with sym­me­tri­cally reflec­ting optics and a stri­king blue-effect ring. Whe­reas the lumi­nai­res from the Olivio series natu­rally com­ple­ment hor­ti­cul­tu­ral exhi­bi­tions, the Astro lumi­nai­res – desi­gned by the reno­w­ned bureau Phoe­nix Design from Stutt­gart – enable a plea­san­tly sobe­ring con­trast.

Whe­ther for an orga­nic look or a distinc­tive tech­ni­cal design, when it came to sustai­na­bi­lity, the exhi­bi­tion plan­ners chose the ideal lighting part­ner. Pre­mium-qua­lity LED modu­les and pre­ci­sion optics ensure opti­mal energy effi­ciency. Thanks to the dura­ble mate­rials, cor­ro­sion-resi­stant sur­fa­ces and robust desi­gns, these lumi­nai­res will retain their look of qua­lity and aesthe­tics for years to come. The order for the Expo pro­ject in Anta­lya is a won­der­ful oppor­tu­nity for us to demon­strate our com­pe­tence,“ said Selux Direc­tor Jürgen Hess of the pro­ject. And it is par­ti­cu­larly sati­sfy­ing for us as a com­pany to con­tri­bute to sub­stain­ta­ble urban deve­lo­p­ment and hence to impro­ving the qua­lity of life.“

Sep­tem­ber 2016

About Selux

The Selux Group is a lea­ding pro­vi­der of sustai­na­ble lighting solu­tions for both inte­rior and exte­rior appli­ca­tions. By acting sustai­na­bly, Selux is able to main­tain high stan­dards when it comes to energy effi­ciency, ergo­no­mics and pro­duct design. Foun­ded in Berlin in 1948, Selux is a global com­pany which is ope­ra­tio­nal in Europe, North Ame­rica and Austra­lia, employ­ing 565 staff. Some exam­ples of well-known pro­jects that Selux has been invol­ved with in the past include the Park am Glei­sdreieck“ in Berlin, the Por­sche Museum in Stutt­gart, the Vieux-Port in Mar­seille and the 911 Memo­rial in NYC.

Manu­fac­tu­rer con­tact:
Manuela Sch­na­bel, Head of Mar­ke­ting / Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Selux AG, Motze­ner Straße 34, 12277 Berlin, Ger­many
T +49 30 72001 – 246, m.​schnabel@​selux.​de,www​.selux​.com

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