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Tuesday 13 March 2018

Inula bollard – using light to design the night

These days, rather than more light, public spaces around buil­dings, in parks or on other sites require grea­ter light pre­ci­sion. For­tu­na­tely, tools like the new Inula bol­lard by Selux have been desi­gned with pre­ci­sely this goal in mind. Phy­si­cally redu­ced to the extreme on their exte­rior dimen­sions, they pro­vide highly effi­cient, gla­re­less and scat­te­red light as well as a wide range of pos­si­bi­li­ties for the use of light in the design of public spaces.

During dar­k­ness, public spaces deve­lop a cha­rac­ter enti­rely of their own. Good lighting design is impe­ra­tive in order to make these areas feel safe and invi­ting to pede­strians. Yet this needs to be done in such a way that the nega­tive effect of light pol­lu­tion and glare is not exces­sive. As well as plan­ning sen­si­ti­vely, here there is a need for lumi­nai­res that offer a wide range of pos­si­bi­li­ties for design yet without their being too obtru­sive. Bol­lard lumi­nai­res like the Inula by Selux can play a dual role in lighting con­cepts of this type. As bol­lards, their pre­sence alone serves to deli­neate spaces while, as a light source, the Inula can use its fle­xi­ble lighting tech­no­logy for effec­tive, ground-level illu­mi­na­tion.

The Inula’s basic form could not be sim­pler, com­pri­sing a solid tubu­lar pro­file with a dia­me­ter of 20 cm in seve­ral heights. The key to its inno­va­tion is its lighting tech­no­logy, with its spe­cially desi­gned, highly discreet appea­rance. When illu­mi­na­ted, its matt black, qua­dra­ti­cally split light exit area is unob­tru­sive and gla­re­less while at the same time shiel­ding the LED light source from direct line of sight. This makes the Inula ideal for sen­si­tive areas close to nature.

The bol­lard lumi­naire emits no light wha­tsoe­ver in upward direc­tion as has been offi­cially reco­gni­zed by the Inter­na­tio­nal Dark Sky Asso­cia­tion. By con­trast, bol­lard illu­mi­na­tion at ground level is highly effi­cient and varia­ble using three dif­fe­rent cha­rac­te­ri­stics. The Inula is avai­la­ble with seve­ral desi­gns of active light qua­drants: single (for­ward 90°) bea­ming, double, side-by-side (asym­me­tri­cal 180°) bea­ming or qua­dru­ple (sym­me­tri­cal 360°) bea­ming. Common to all these light distri­bu­tions is the uni­form nature of the planar illu­mi­na­tion, which employs visi­bly soft tran­si­tions.

As well as the various direc­tio­nal cha­rac­te­ri­stics, the Inula also offers a range of addi­tio­nal varia­tion options so that the bol­lard can be indi­vi­dually adap­ted to the rele­vant appli­ca­tion. The LED modu­les are avai­la­ble in the lumi­nous colours 3000 K or 4000 K while the tubu­lar pro­fi­les come in powder-coated Selux gra­phite or in a custo­mer-spe­ci­fic colour. The pro­file mate­rial itself con­sists of a par­ti­cu­larly cor­ro­sion-resi­stant alu­mi­nium alloy. Hou­sing and elec­tro­nic com­po­nents con­form to the highest Selux stan­dards, ensu­ring relia­ble ope­ra­tion in public spaces for years to come.

March 2018

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