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Wednesday 26 March 2014

Fascinating encased gemstones for modern urban settings: modular Astro LED pole-top luminaires by Selux

Key ideas behind the new pro­duct con­cept were time­less design, a magi­cal atmo­sphere during dar­k­ness, effi­ciency and varia­bi­lity. The result was the new family of Astro lumi­nai­res by Selux. The nume­rous con­fi­gu­ra­tion options cater for the mani­fold tech­no­lo­gi­cal and formal requi­re­ments of urban set­tings. At the heart of the lumi­naire lies the optics unit, an inte­gral system of LEDs, reflec­tors, the assem­bly unit and the sur­roun­ding passe-par­tout – ensu­ring a high level of effi­ciency and visual com­fort, with three dif­fe­rent direc­tio­nal cha­rac­te­ri­stics.

Essen­tial requi­re­ments for lumi­nai­res in urban areas include func­tio­na­lity and effi­ciency during illu­mi­na­tion. Pole-top lumi­nai­res can ful­fill an aesthe­tic role during day­light howe­ver, indi­vi­dually sha­ping the urban land­scape and beco­ming fasci­na­ting light objects by night. With the new Astro family, Selux pre­sents a future-com­pa­ti­ble syn­the­sis of these requi­re­ments, the design for which stems from the mul­ti­ple award-win­ning Phoe­nix Design bureau, with a modu­lar system phi­lo­so­phy offe­ring a mul­ti­tude of per­so­na­li­sa­tion options.

Inte­gral LED lighting tech­no­logy at its heart

The heart of all Astro family pole-top lumi­nai­res is the optics unit com­pri­sing LEDs, reflec­tors, assem­bly unit and the sur­roun­ding passe-par­tout. This highly effi­cient module, which is shaped like a discus, offers a high degree of visual com­fort due to its excel­lent anti-dazzle pro­per­ties. Three direc­tio­nal cha­rac­te­ri­stics are avai­la­ble for various appli­ca­tions: sym­me­tri­cal light distri­bu­tion, asym­me­tri­cal light distri­bu­tion for squa­res and asym­me­tri­cal street light distri­bu­tion. Astro is also avai­la­ble in 3000 Kelvin and 4500 Kelvin light colours.

The inte­gral optics unit forms the basis of the new Selux system stra­tegy and is used for the first time in the Astro”, explains Ralf Kitt­mann, Astro Pro­ject Mana­ger at Phoe­nix Design. Excel­lent ther­mal mana­ge­ment adds to the relia­bi­lity and effi­ciency of the high-per­for­mance LEDs: Lou­vres in the inside of the hou­sing discharge heat from the module without affec­ting the luminaire’s purist design,” explains the pro­duct desi­gner.

Mul­ti­ple per­so­na­li­sa­tion options due to a modu­lar system phi­lo­so­phy

With the Astro family, light plan­ners can con­fi­gure lumi­nai­res with an indi­vi­dual, distinc­tive appea­rance for each spe­ci­fic pro­ject. For the pole con­nec­tion, there is a choice of Astro 1 variants with a single-arm, asym­me­tri­cal con­nec­tion or Astro 2 variants with a two-arm, sym­me­tri­cal con­nec­tion. The luminaire’s dif­fu­ser is avai­la­ble in a flat, anti-reflex safety glass ver­sion, as a clear, convex pla­stic dif­fu­ser or as a convex dif­fu­ser with a pearl-finish struc­tu­red sur­face. This latter pro­vi­des maxi­mum visual com­fort and pro­du­ces atmo­sphe­ric light that will brighten up any envi­ron­ment.

The corona also pro­vi­des addi­tio­nal scope for design free­dom with Astro. This ano­di­sed alu­mi­nium shape sur­rounds the Astro’s optics unit, len­ding the lumi­naire a magi­cal effect due to its bril­liance effects. To start with there will be two corona ver­sions to choose from: with con­cen­tric rings or a pillow struc­ture. An LED ring bet­ween optics unit and corona is avai­la­ble as a fur­ther option for ambient lighting, which uses white (3,000K) or blue light for accent lighting or can be used to highlight spe­cial func­tions like on a char­ging sta­tion for elec­tric vehi­cles. Like with other lumi­naire fami­lies, Selux has made avai­la­ble a web con­fi­gu­ra­tor for the Astro too, which will guide light plan­ners quic­kly and con­ve­nien­tly through the pos­si­ble options until the final spe­ci­fi­ca­tion.

Lower energy con­sump­tion due to adap­tive lighting

Sustai­na­bi­lity is the focus of Astro’s design con­cept. This is evi­dent not just in the luminaire’s main­te­nance-friendly design and the dura­ble qua­lity of its mate­rials and sur­fa­ces but also in the effi­ciency of its LED tech­no­logy and mul­ti­tude of inter­fa­ces for inte­gra­ting lumi­nai­res in light mana­ge­ment systems. This makes Astro ideally pre­pa­red for adap­tive lighting, which will reduce energy con­sump­tion even fur­ther.

March 2014

Manu­fac­tu­rer con­tact:
Manuela Sch­na­bel, Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger / Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Selux AG, Motze­ner Straße 34, 12277 Berlin, Ger­many
T +49 30 72001 – 246, m.​schnabel@​selux.​de

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