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Thursday 19 March 2015

Interactive configuration of products

New plan­ning tools for the Selux Olivio and Astro pro­duct fami­lies

The new online con­fi­gu­ra­tors by the lighting manu­fac­tu­rer Selux are digi­tal plan­ning tools avai­la­ble for seve­ral modu­lar pro­duct ranges, which guide users in just a few steps through the myriad of com­bi­na­tions to arrive at a pro­duct for which an order can be placed. Fol­lo­wing suc­ces­sful launch of the con­fi­gu­ra­tor for the M-Modu­lar LED con­struc­tion kit system, Selux has now deve­lo­ped the online tool for the highly com­plex Olivio family of exte­rior lumi­nai­res. In addi­tion, a new con­fi­gu­ra­tor is avai­la­ble for Astro pole-top lumi­nai­res.

Olivio con­fi­gu­ra­tor with nume­rous options for varia­tions

Having under­gone evo­lu­tio­nary deve­lo­p­ment to include addi­tio­nal LED and RGBW options and with more than 2000 options to choose from, Olivio is regar­ded as one of the most com­plex fami­lies of exte­rior lumi­nai­res on the market. The chal­lenge in deve­lo­ping the online con­fi­gu­ra­tor for the Olivio system-based family of lumi­nai­res, which has been tried and tested in nume­rous rigo­rous pro­jects, was to make it pos­si­ble to disco­ver all its options in play­ful fashion yet at the same time to pro­vide pre­cise infor­ma­tion for pro­fes­sio­nal lighting plan­ners.

Ope­ra­tion of the Olivio con­fi­gu­ra­tor, which was awar­ded the silver prize at the Annual Mul­ti­me­dia Awards 2015, is highly-intui­tive. After selec­ting from the three design lines (Sistema, Flo­ra­cion and Can­de­la­bra) users can choose and modify the pole and moun­ting heights, layout, number and size of lumi­naire heads and tilt set­tings simply by means of drag­ging and drop­ping, inclu­ding via touch-sen­si­tive inter­fa­ces.

The next step is to select the type of illu­mi­nant, light distri­bu­tion, light colour and power, after which users are pro­vi­ded with a spe­ci­fi­ca­tion and lighting tech­no­logy recor­ded in a data sheet and DFX files that are avai­la­ble via down­load. Just one click is then all that is requi­red for users to request their per­so­nal quo­ta­tion.

Your per­so­na­li­sed Astro con­fi­gu­ra­tion in just a few steps

Modu­lar Astro LED pole-top lumi­nai­res were pre­sen­ted to the public at the Light+Building trade fair for the first time in 2014. Their design was deve­lo­ped in coo­pe­ra­tion with the mul­ti­ple-award win­ning design bureau in Stutt­gart, Phoe­nix Design. With its time­less appea­rance and nume­rous con­fi­gu­ra­tion options, the lighting tech­no­logy and shape of the Astro make it a ground-brea­king solu­tion for the nume­rous requi­re­ments of urban spaces.

The Astro family was deve­lo­ped using a modu­lar system phi­lo­so­phy and offers a mul­ti­tude of custo­mi­sa­tion and com­bi­na­tion options. Users can now com­pose these as easy as pie in just a few steps using the new Astro online con­fi­gu­ra­tor. For each spe­ci­fic pro­ject, con­fi­gu­ra­tion of the desi­red lumi­naire ver­sions is straight­for­ward using indi­vi­dual, con­cise images. Users can select from a choice of two pole-top con­nec­tions, three dif­fu­sers, various optics systems, dif­fe­rent light colours and optio­nal LED rings for ambient lighting. In addi­tion they can incor­po­rate pho­to­gra­phs and illu­stra­tions from the pro­ject to ensure a rea­li­stic simu­la­tion of their selec­ted lumi­nai­res.

The con­cept and design for Selux con­fi­gu­ra­tors were deve­lo­ped in con­junc­tion with

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