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Tuesday 2 February 2021

The Selux Book

With the new Selux Book”, the Berlin-based man­u­fac­turer of lumi­naires dares to take a look at the bigger pic­ture for 2021.

Light – with respect for nature’s allure.

In an extra­or­di­nary year, Selux cre­ated an extra­or­di­nary medium that is now being released at the begin­ning of 2021: a book that is not a cat­a­logue, not an image brochure, not a brand bible – but some­thing that is all that com­bined and yet still much more. There­fore, its cre­ators have simply named it The Selux book” – they see it as a response to the recent chal­lenges faced by com­pa­nies and their com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Due to the pan­demic, we have had to forego meet­ings and trade fairs, busi­ness trips and site visits: con­tacts have appro­pri­ately shifted to a dig­i­tal realm. Selux respond-ed with this book – a sen­sual, haptic and intel­lec­tual plea­sure which stretches think­ing beyond the mere func­tion­al­ity of a prod­uct cat­a­logue. In this way, the com­pany would like to give its part­ners and cus­tomers such as archi­tects, light­ing design­ers and urban plan­ners, a new philo­soph­i­cal ap-proach to the illu­mi­na­tion of archi­tec­ture and urban spaces.

We love the notion that our prod­ucts will ensure both safety and beauty in sync with the env­i­ron-ment even after 50 years. This time­less­ness is real sus­tain­abil­ity. This idea has a big impact on how we design light­ing and what we have to pay atten­tion to. This is what we want to convey in our new book. Sus­tain­abil­ity is some­thing very beau­ti­ful and pow­er­ful,” says Klaus-Peter Siemssen, CEO of Selux AG.

Selux reflects inten­sively on how dif­fer­ent out­door light­ing require­ments, such as sus­tain­abil­ity, safety and beauty, can be com­bined, and how a man­u­fac­turer can con­tribute to pre­serve nature. An exten­sive photo essay cel­e­brates the earth’s beauty with the con­trast between macro­cosm and micro­cosm. Text con­tri­bu­tions explore the rela­tion­ships between light­ing and nature, espe­cially in the animal king­dom, and even cul­ture in the form of design and man-made places. As a result, Selux seeks and finds answers to an essen­tial topic: How can holis­tic light­ing solu­tions for out­door spaces be cre­ated in har­mony with nature – light for gen­er­a­tions.”

The book is divided into three chap­ters. The first chap­ter Unique Places” focuses on the per­fec­tion of nature and the essen­tials nec­es­sary to feel com­fort­able in a place. The second chap­ter More than Light” deals with future issues regard­ing light­ing that Selux is con­cerned with – for exam­ple, land­scape archi­tec­ture, light­ing qual­ity, the role of mate­ri­als and tech­nolo­gies, such as solar energy or the smart city. Even in the third chap­ter, which presents the company’s prod­ucts, large-scale con­trasts of prod­uct and nature motifs create com­plex asso­cia­tive con­nec­tions. For exam­ple: the struc­tured, stream­lined body of a drag­on­fly com­pared to the inno­v­a­tive linear light­ing tech­nol­ogy of the new prod­uct The Line”; a green blade of grass as a symbol of pho­to­syn­the­sis builds a bridge to the use of solar tech­nol­ogy for illu­mi­nat­ing streets, paths and places, or how the aes­thetic of a shiny metal­lic beetle wing are echoed in the reflec­tor optics of the new Tritec Sky.

We and Selux want to set an exam­ple with the book; to make the strengths of the brand per­ceiva-ble. Sophis­ti­cated com­mu­ni­ca­tion instead of adver­tis­ing state­ments. This is why we have not in-cluded a fore­word from the CEO, but instead sum­marised his views in a sophis­ti­cated essay. We also want to use the imagery to stim­u­late and chal­lenge the reader. We are con­vinced that corpo-rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion has to be honest and clear. People crave some­thing new and Selux has recog-nised that,” says Hugo Göld­ner, Founder and Cre­ative Direc­tor of the Berlin-based design agency, CDLX.

Of course, a book like this only fits into our era if it is designed to be sus­tain­able in every respect. That is why Selux, together with CDLX, selected paper and print­ing processes that not only look nat­ural on an aes­thetic level, they also meet the high­est eco­log­i­cal stan­dards. The three main chap-ters of the book are printed on uncoated paper and the appen­dix is printed on recy­cled paper. Thanks to modern LED offset print­ing tech­nol­ogy, the book is also printed and fin­ished using envi-ron­men­tally friendly inks and with reduced energy con­sump­tion – all with out­stand­ing qual­ity. The Selux Book there­fore rep­re­sents the company’s respect for the beauty and per­fec­tion of nature in terms of con­tent, design and mate­ri­als.

If you are inter­ested in the Selux Book, please send your enquiries to info@​selux.​de or visit us at selux​.com/​t​h​ebook to see a dig­i­tal pre­view.

With the new Selux Book”, the Berlin-based man­u­fac­turer of lumi­naires dares to take a look at the bigger pic­ture for 2021.
Large-scale con­trasts of prod­uct and nature motifs create com­plex asso­cia­tive con­nec­tions.
An exten­sive photo essay cel­e­brates the earth’s beauty in the con­trast between macro­cosm and micro­cosm.
The Selux Book rep­re­sents the company’s respect for the beauty and per­fec­tion of nature in terms of con­tent, design and mate­ri­als.
In the Selux Book, Selux reflects on its activ­i­ties as a light­ing tech­nol­ogy man­u­fac­turer and its posi­tion between man and nature more inten­sively than ever before.
Together with the Berlin-based design agency CDLX, Selux selected paper and print­ing processes that not only look nat­ural on an aes­thetic level, they also meet the high­est eco­log­i­cal stan­dards.

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