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The Line – Revolutionary sustainable

The new Line luminaire family takes a radical approach to sustainability: a timeless, minimalist design for a long service life with reduced material consumption and high lighting quality. It is based on a completely rethought basic concept that forgoes a conventional luminaire head and integrates the optics as a vertical line in the pole and is very flexible. This innovative style allows a completely new aesthetic impact to unfold. With its timeless design, Line achieves new clarity in urban spaces.

Mini­mi­sed to the max – ligh­ting for stre­ets, paths and squ­ares all from one ver­ti­cal line

The Line — cre­ated for time­less app­li­ca­ti­ons where a high demand for ligh­ting quality is expec­ted. Thanks to the mini­mal use of mate­ri­als, modu­lar const­ruc­tion and smart func­ti­ona­lity, plan­ning with the Line has no boun­da­ries. The pre­ci­sion optics of the Com­fort and Per­for­mance ver­si­ons in com­bi­na­tion with warmer light colo­urs ensure both pri­vate pre­mi­ses and open nature are illu­mi­na­ted to the hig­hest calibre.

Light for gene­ra­ti­ons

Time­less design

The design phi­lo­sophy behind the Line is to radi­cally reduce the comp­le­xity of a luminaire’s form by integ­ra­ting the optics into a ver­ti­cal line. The result: slim line lumi­na­ires that sup­port a calm and clear urban lands­cape.

Sca­lable light

In order to achi­eve dif­fe­rent app­li­ca­ti­ons, the optic modu­les are ava­ilable in four sizes with cor­res­pon­dingly scaled lumen out­puts. The modu­les have inno­va­tive mic­ro­fa­cet­ted gold or silver colo­ured ref­lec­tor sys­tems with vari­ous light dist­ri­bu­ti­ons for the illu­mi­na­tion of stre­ets, paths, squ­ares, parks up to the buil­ding.

Pro­tec­tion for nature and animal king­dom

Golden ref­lec­tors com­bi­ned with warm light colo­urs like 2200 K or 2700 K con­si­der the needs of wild­life and ensure a ple­asant ligh­ting mood and a sense of well-being. Thanks to pre­ci­sion optics, the Line does not pro­duce any dis­tur­bing stray light and thus pro­tects pri­vate spaces and the night sky from light pol­lu­tion.

Indi­vi­du­ally cus­to­mi­zable

To meet indi­vi­dual needs while also emp­ha­si­sing the cha­rac­ter of a city, a com­mu­nity or a square, all the optics in the Line family are ava­ilable in two dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons: a per­for­mance ver­sion that is, as the name sug­gests, per­for­mance-driven lumen output and effi­ci­ency, and a Com­fort design with light guiding louvers, which guaran­tee excep­ti­onal visual com­fort. This ensu­res effi­ci­ent comp­li­ance with ligh­ting stan­dards even when using widely spaced poles, and allows areas with lower moun­ting heights and higher requ­ire­ment in terms of visual com­fort to also be illu­mi­na­ted in a people-fri­endly way.

Diver­sity of mate­ri­ality and colour: In addi­tion to steel, there is also a spe­cial edi­tion conc­rete-look finish for the Line. The look of both mate­ri­als can be cus­to­mi­sed to no end. Steel poles are tailo­red with a powder coating, for example, which also pro­tects them aga­inst cor­ro­sion. A comp­re­hen­sive palette of colo­urs allows dif­fe­rent cha­rac­te­ris­tics to be achi­eved, from har­mo­ni­ous colour tones to cont­rast-rich accents.

Intel­li­gent and future-proof

Impor­tant Smart City func­ti­ons can be ins­tal­led via an opti­onal Zhaga inter­face. If requ­ired, the optics can also be easily exc­han­ged, making them future-proof.

Also for exis­ting poles

The Line uni­ver­sal tool­kit also inc­lu­des ver­ti­cal, linear optic modu­les for moun­ting on or on top of exis­ting poles. Stre­ets and paths can thus be out­fit­ted with inno­va­tive ligh­ting tech­no­logy cost-effec­ti­vely.

Sus­ta­inable value chain

The com­po­nents of the Line are sour­ced almost exc­lu­si­vely in Ger­many – short travel dis­tan­ces allow for even more sus­ta­ina­bi­lity. We manu­fac­ture the lumi­na­ire in our own fac­tory near Pots­dam. Howe­ver, on requ­est, we also sup­port the rese­arch for local manu­fac­tu­ring part­ners in their region to ensure that the steel com­po­ne­nents of the Line (mast, gear tray, con­nec­ti­ons) is manu­fac­tu­red locally. In this case, Selux supp­lies the optics, the dri­vers and the know-how.

20 years guaran­tee of the deli­very of spare parts

We offer a 20-year guaran­tee for the deli­very of spare parts.

The Line Family

Light columns, pole lumi­na­ires, bol­lards, wall lumi­na­ires. In order to achi­eve dif­fe­rent app­li­ca­ti­ons, the optic modu­les are ava­ilable in four sizes with cor­res­pon­dingly scaled lumen out­puts.

Per­for­mance and Com­fort

All optics are ava­ilable in dif­fe­rent light dist­ri­bu­ti­ons and two dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons: a per­for­mance ver­sion that is, as the name sug­gests, per­for­mance-driven lumen output and effi­ci­ency, and a Com­fort design with light guiding louvers, which guaran­tee excep­ti­onal visual com­fort. This ensu­res effi­ci­ent comp­li­ance with ligh­ting stan­dards even when using widely spaced poles, and allows areas with lower moun­ting heights and higher requ­ire­ment in terms of visual com­fort to also be illu­mi­na­ted in a people-fri­endly way. The pre­ci­sely direc­ted light the­reby pro­tects pri­vate spaces and the night sky.

Light dist­ri­bu­ti­ons

asym­met­ric + pat­h­way

Diver­sity of mate­ri­ality and colour

A comp­re­hen­sive palette of colo­urs allows dif­fe­rent cha­rac­te­ris­tics to be achi­eved, from har­mo­ni­ous colour tones to cont­rast-rich accents, as well as a choice of sur­face finis­hes such as matte, gloss or a metal­lic effect.
In addi­tion to steel, there is also a spe­cial edi­tion conc­rete-look finish for the Line. Conc­rete finis­hes create new accents in lumi­na­ires. The most com­monly used mate­rial in modern arc­hi­tec­ture is somet­hing of a cha­me­leon: depen­ding on how it is pro­ces­sed, it can form rough and warm, or smooth and cool sur­fa­ces, and it can be colo­ured to fit with its sur­ro­un­dings. Conc­rete const­ruc­ti­ons are robust, durable and rugged, and are viewed less as tech­no­logy and more as arc­hi­tec­ture in the citys­cape.

Made in Ger­many

The com­po­nents of the Line are sour­ced almost exc­lu­si­vely in Ger­many – short travel dis­tan­ces allow for even more sus­ta­ina­bi­lity. We manu­fac­ture the lumi­na­ire in our own fac­tory near Pots­dam. Howe­ver, on requ­est, we also sup­port the rese­arch for local manu­fac­tu­ring part­ners in their region to ensure that the steel com­po­ne­nents of the Line — mast, gear tray, con­nec­ti­ons — is manu­fac­tu­red locally. In this case, Selux supp­lies the optics, thed­ri­vers and the know-how.


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