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Smart City

How can technology help make our cities better places to live in?

Sche­ve­nin­gen boasts one of the most famous beac­hes in the Net­her­lands. Nature and big city living come head to head here. App­rop­ri­ately equ­ip­ped modu­lar Lif system lumi­na­ires are being used as stra­te­gic sup­port points for the Living Lab pro­ject.

Exten­ded Ligh­ting Key to the Smart City

Smart Ligh­ting by Selux fol­lows the prin­ciple that rather than being an end in itself, tech­no­logy is clo­sely con­nec­ted to life and the needs, expec­ta­ti­ons and poten­tial of human beings. The modu­lar design of our pro­ducts makes them per­fect for the integ­ra­tion of smart func­ti­ons. Our pro­fo­und tech­ni­cal unders­tan­ding enab­les us to work with our cus­to­mers, users and tech­no­logy part­ners to jointly deve­lop solu­ti­ons that are indi­vi­du­ally tailo­red to each par­ti­cu­lar situ­ation.

Thro­ugh this stra­tegy, Selux is making the smart city an aspi­ra­ti­onal goal, a living space with a sus­ta­inable quality of life for ever­yone. Urban ligh­ting forms the logi­cal basis for this since it alre­ady has in place a large number of ins­tal­la­tion points with an elect­ri­city supply. A smart lumi­na­ire from Selux, net­wor­ked via the inter­net can on one hand be integ­ra­ted into intel­li­gent cont­rols that switch lights on, off or dim them as needed. On the other hand, it can pro­vide data via sen­sors: from how bright it is locally to the volume of traf­fic or the air quality. And it can pro­vide infor­ma­tion to the local envi­ron­ment – via audio spe­akers, disp­lays or WiFi hots­pots. The smart city thus inte­racts with its visi­tors and resi­dents, it learns and col­la­tes kno­w­ledge to con­ti­nu­ally adapt better to the lives that are lived there. Get in touch – we look for­ward to wor­king with you to bring visi­ons and solu­ti­ons for your Smart City pro­ject to life!

Impor­tant Smart City func­ti­ons, that can be intig­ra­ted in Selux lumi­na­ires.

Motion-cont­rol­led ligh­ting
The ligh­ting is cont­rol­led as requ­ired via motion sen­sors. Indi­vi­dual or mul­tiple light points change in bright­ness as people or objects move – the light tracks them.

Adap­tive ligh­ting
Intel­li­gent sen­sors allow the ligh­ting to adjust to dif­fe­rent weat­her con­di­ti­ons. The dist­ri­bu­tion of light from the lumi­na­ires chan­ges accor­ding to whet­her the road sur­face is wet or dry.

Light mana­ge­ment
The lumi­na­ires are con­nec­ted via an intel­li­gent com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work. Indi­vi­dual or mul­tiple light points are cont­rol­led cent­rally, or locally via an app.

Envi­ron­men­tal data recor­ding
Intel­li­gent sen­sors in the lumi­na­ires or on the pole measure envi­ron­men­tal and weat­her para­me­ters in real-time.

Public infor­ma­tion sys­tems
Infor­ma­tion can be ret­ri­eved via com­po­nents such as but­tons or disp­lays integ­ra­ted into the pole, inc­lu­ding time­tab­les, audio clips for the blind and par­ti­ally sigh­ted or for use in adver­ti­sing.

Public safety module
Camera sys­tems, audio spe­akers and emer­gency call but­tons fle­xibly integ­ra­ted into the light pole imp­rove safety in the urban space.

Public WiFi hots­pots
Lumi­na­ires are equ­ip­ped with WiFi com­po­nents to create public hots­pots. Infor­ma­tion and ser­vi­ces for pro­fes­si­onal and pri­vate use are pro­vi­ded via bro­ad­band inter­net.

Elect­ric vehicle char­ging sta­ti­ons
Char­ging sta­ti­ons ins­tal­led at or in the lumi­na­ire pole allow elect­ric vehic­les to be char­ged.

Traf­fic and par­king space mana­ge­ment
Intel­li­gent sen­sors record the cur­rent traf­fic situ­ation and pro­vide real-time data for sus­ta­inable trans­port opti­mi­sa­tion in cities.

Smart Lighting Products

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